Criminal Defense Attorney Clarke Dummit, who has been fighting DWIs for over 30 years, answers, “Why are DWIs so complicated to fight in court?” In every case, there is a warrantless arrest under the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment protects you from unreasonable search and seizure, but since a traffic stop isn’t a strenuous hold, the standard is low. However, the arrest is serious, therefore we must make sure they have collected enough evidence in the field to uphold that arrest. So, we need to look at both, whether they had reasonable cause to stop you, and reasonable cause to arrest you. Next is the scientific evidence. This is fairly complex, and the state must be able to get this into the trial. The third complication is the special sentencing factor which is different than any other crime in North Carolina. So, as you can see, DWIs are very complicated. If you’ve been charged, you need to consult with an experienced attorney right away. Call one of our attorneys today!