Recent and Notable Greensboro Case Results
Here you’ll find a number of Greensboro case results that illustrate how our attorneys handle a variety of cases in Guilford County and Alamance County. From domestic to criminal cases, our attorneys are dedicated to helping each and every client.
Disclaimer: The facts and circumstances of each case are different as such each case must be evaluated upon the unique  circumstances and facts. The results summarized here are not necessarily representative of the results obtained in all cases.
Not Guilty – Assault on a Female
Dummit Fradin criminal lawyer tried and won an Assault on a Female trial in Greensboro, N.C. The case involved a disagreement between husband and wife that escalated into a physical altercation. Despite the testimony from the wife and the Greensboro Police Department Officer, the Defendant, who otherwise had a clean criminal record, was found Not Guilty in District Court.
Emergency Order Obtained, Holiday Visitation Granted
A Dummit Fradin family law attorney was successful in negotiating holiday visitation for three of her Greensboro clients, just in time to get an Order for the Judge. Our attorneys hard work and negotiation skills enabled three parents to spend Thanksgiving with their children this year, while simultaneously representing them in their ongoing custody disputes. Our attorney was successful in obtaining emergency child custody for a father in Guilford County this week. The attorney also persuaded the Judge to enter an emergency order, to protect the child from potential drug abuse within the mother’s home. The minor child is currently thriving in her father’s care. Have Questions About Holiday Visitation? If you're concerned about getting the chance to spend time with your children during the holidays, contact the experienced child custody attorneys at Dummit Fradin today.
Mother Wins Against Motion to Decrease Child Support
One of our trusted Greensboro family law attorneys recently won a Motion to Dismiss for her client. The opposing party, the father, had filed a Motion to Decrease Child Support. Our client, the mother, sought the help of Dummit Fradin family law team who's handled these types of cases in the past. After reviewing the case, our family law attorney prepared a Motion to Dismiss. In court, the Judge granted [our attorneys] Motion to Dismiss and the father was ordered to continue paying the same amount in child support. Changing or Defending a Child Support Order in Greensboro, NC To change a child support order in Greensboro, you really need the assistance of a competent attorney. There are very specific procedural and statutory rules about what is required for a motion to be successful. "If you don’t file the right motion, you could lose your case – even [...]
Mother Wins Primary Custody After Successful Negotiation
A mother in Guilford County wanted to fight for primary custody of her child. So, she turned to our Greensboro domestic team. Our domestic team prepared for trial thinking a settlement was not possible. [The attorney] arrived for the trial that morning and unpacked her materials, including a 3-inch binder with tabs for 15 exhibits. Shortly thereafter, opposing counsel informed her they were interested in revisiting the settlement negotiations. [She] argued consistency and stability were in the minor child's best interests. The minor child had spent the majority of the time with the mother and was comfortable in her home. The Dummit Fradin team negotiated a consent order granting primary custody to the mother. This custody order secures her rights as the primary parent. Should anything arise in the future, this custody order can be enforced by the contempt powers of the court. Our Tips for Negotiating Primary [...]
Working Mother Secures Alimony for 7 Years
Greensboro Family Law Team Type of Case: Equitable Distribution, Alimony, Child Custody, and Child Support. Case Result: Consent Order resolving all issues County: Guilford County Our family attorney helped a working mother in Greensboro who separated from her husband back in 2016. Our client and her husband did not file this action in court until late 2019. Thus, there was a lot of co-mingling funds in that 3-year period of separation, which made things a bit confusing when it came time to value everything. On the date of separation, the client was making 100k more than her husband and recently started working at a job making 100k a year. But her current job is only a contracting position for 6-12 months with no guarantee of renewal. When the parties separated back in 2016, the husband moved to Boston to start a new job. Our client continued to live [...]
DWI Appeal a Success for Davie County Client
Attorney: Patrick Apple Type of Case: DWI and Misdemeanor Simple Assault Case Result: Motion to Suppress Granted - Voluntary Dismissal by the State County: Davie County Criminal defense attorney Patrick Apple successfully represented a client who was facing a charge of a first offense DWI in Davie County. The Traffic Stop Around midnight, 911 Dispatch received a call about a domestic assault at a residence in Davie County. The caller identified our client as one of the individuals involved in the dispute. So, Dispatch notified law enforcement that our client was driving a white SUV, including the make and model. Dispatch also disclosed to law enforcement that our client had consumed alcohol. Soon after, a law enforcement officer observed a vehicle matching the description leaving the neighborhood of the call. The officer looked up the vehicle registration, and it came back to the same address. The vehicle registration [...]
Aunt Wins Child Custody in Guilford County
Our client is the paternal aunt of two young children in Guilford County. She approached our family law team in Greensboro for help in getting full legal and physical child custody of the two children. As a third-party intervenor, she faced many challenges in this third party custody case. Despite these challenges, our experienced family attorney helped her devise a winning strategy. A History of Unstable Living Conditions Previously, a judge declared the children's mother an unfit parent as she has pending felony child abuse charges in criminal court. The father was violating a prior custody order by allowing the mother unlimited and unsupervised access to the minor children. Additionally, the father suffers from substance abuse and addiction, leaving him unable to care for the children. Meanwhile, the aunt is a military veteran with a safe, stable lifestyle and home. She has a loving, supportive relationship with the [...]
With Remote Learning Concerns, Mother Fights to Maintain Primary Custody
Type of Case: Child Custody Case Result: Primary Physical Custody Awarded County: Guilford County Our Greensboro family law team recently represented a mother who had been the primary caretaker of both of her young girls. The mother had been most involved with the major aspects of their lives, such as schooling and medical visits. Remote Learning, Custody Schedules, and Tech Resources However, a significant concern the mother had was the father's ability to help their oldest daughter with remote learning. Her daughter was just about to start Kindergarten and it would be held online due to COVID-19. Our client knew that the current custody schedule of the father having the girls two nights per week was ideal, but the father wanted more. As a result, our client was potentially facing having less time with her girls per week, despite being their primary caretaker. And, her kindergartener's quality of [...]
Dismissed – 50B Domestic Violence Protective Order
A Dummit Fradin criminal lawyer defended a Greensboro client against a Domestic Violence Protective Order in Guilford County. The client’s girlfriend had taken out a restraining order in an attempt to end the relationship because she had a new boyfriend. The judge, after hearing the evidence, dismissed the restraining order. The client was also in the process of obtaining United States Citizenship and any restraining order or criminal charges could have hindered that process. Contact a Criminal Lawyer in Guilford County Our criminal lawyers in Guilford County have years of experience handling Domestic Violence Protective Orders. Contact us today to have your case heard by an experienced lawyer in Greensboro, NC.
Victory – Father’s Custody Protected
A Dummit Fradin Family Law attorney represented a father in a custody case in Greensboro. The wife had fled the county with all five of their minor children, age 2 to 15. After a full trial, the Judge ordered that all 5 children be returned to the custody of their father and live with him and ordered that the wife not take the kids again.
Our Recent Distinguished Achievements

Visit One of Our Office Locations

Criminal & Immigration Attorneys
1133 West First Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
(336) 485-4907
Family Law Attorneys
3400 Healy Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
(336) 962-7221
Criminal & Family Law
328 E. Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
(336) 360-5528
High Point
Criminal & Injury Law
820 North Elm Street
High Point, NC 27262
(336) 814-8118
Our service area includes Forsyth County, Guilford County, Surry County, Stokes County, Yadkin County, Davie County, Davidson County, Randolph County, and Alamance County.