Greensboro Case Results

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Recent and Notable Greensboro Case Results

Here you’ll find a number of Greensboro case results that illustrate how our attorneys handle a variety of cases in Guilford County and Alamance County. From domestic to criminal cases, our attorneys are dedicated to helping each and every client.

Disclaimer: The facts and circumstances of each case are different as such each case must be evaluated upon the unique  circumstances and facts. The results summarized here are not necessarily representative of the results obtained in all cases.

Emergency Order Obtained, Holiday Visitation Granted

A Dummit Fradin family law attorney was successful in negotiating holiday visitation for three of her Greensboro clients, just in time to get an Order for the Judge. Our attorneys hard work and negotiation skills enabled three parents to spend Thanksgiving with their children this year, while simultaneously representing them in their ongoing custody disputes. Our attorney was successful in obtaining emergency child custody for a father in Guilford County this week. The attorney also persuaded the Judge to enter an emergency order, to protect the child from potential drug abuse within the mother’s home. The minor child is currently thriving in her father’s care. Have Questions About Holiday Visitation? If you're concerned about getting the chance to spend time with your children during the holidays, contact the experienced child custody attorneys at Dummit Fradin today.

Aunt Wins Child Custody in Guilford County

Our client is the paternal aunt of two young children in Guilford County. She approached our family law team in Greensboro for help in getting full legal and physical child custody of the two children. As a third-party intervenor, she faced many challenges in this third party custody case. Despite these challenges, our experienced family attorney helped her devise a winning strategy. A History of Unstable Living Conditions Previously, a judge declared the children's mother an unfit parent as she has pending felony child abuse charges in criminal court. The father was violating a prior custody order by allowing the mother unlimited and unsupervised access to the minor children. Additionally, the father suffers from substance abuse and addiction, leaving him unable to care for the children. Meanwhile, the aunt is a military veteran with a safe, stable lifestyle and home. She has a loving, supportive relationship with the [...]

Dismissed – Domestic Violence Protective Order

Our Greensboro criminal defense attorney represented a Greensboro client who faced a protective order. This prohibited him from contacting his ex-wife and two minor children for a year and other serious consequences. Our criminal defense attorney successfully had the Domestic Violence Protective Order dismissed in Guilford County, which allowed him to continue seeing his children.   Get our Criminal Defense Attorneys On Your Side The criminal defense attorneys at Dummit Fradin have years of experience handling all types of criminal cases, including domestic violence. Meet with us today to get started on a personalized defense strategy. We have offices throughout the Triad in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, and High Point for your convenience.

Possession of a Firearm and Narcotics by a Felon Leads to Dismissal

Type of Case: Possession of a Firearm by a Felon Case Result: Dismissed County: Guilford County Complex Situation Sometimes doing the right thing has negative personal consequences. For our client, this was the case. He had raised a young man as a surrogate son. This young man made some unfortunate decisions which led him to be incarcerated in Virginia. During his incarceration, the young man developed serious medical issues which caused the state of Virginia to discharge him from his imprisonment. Our client took the young man in and provided him with a place to stay while he healed from his serious medical issues. Unfortunately, the gift of safety and the place to stay was lost on the young man. He began to engage in unlawful activity including dealing in narcotics. Charged with Possession of a Firearm by a Felon and PWISD A professionally conducted investigation by [...]

Family Reunited

Our Greensboro immigration attorney successfully reunited three United States Citizens with their parents after U.S. immigration laws forced them to live apart for over ten years. Nuestra abogada de inmigración en Greensboro reunió exitosamente a tres ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos con sus padres después de que las leyes de inmigración de los Estados Unidos los obligaron a vivir separados durante más de diez años.

Victory – Fathers’ Visitation Restored

Our Dummit Fradin family law attorney won a Motion for Contempt in Greensboro and restored visitation of a one-year-old baby to her father. What is a Motion for Contempt? After a final court order in a family law case, both parties must abide by the agreed terms in the court order. If either party refuses or fails to comply with any portion of the court order, the second party can file a motion for contempt. The motion basically forces the non-compliant party to abide by the court order or they could face jail time or fines. To find out if this strategy could in your individual case, speak with one of our experienced family law attorneys today!

Dismissed – Carrying a Concealed Weapon

Our criminal attorney was successful in having misdemeanor Stalking and Carrying a Concealed Weapon charges dismissed in Guilford County Superior Court for a client this week.

Working Mother Secures Alimony for 7 Years

Greensboro Family Law Team Type of Case: Equitable Distribution, Alimony, Child Custody, and Child Support. Case Result: Consent Order resolving all issues County: Guilford County Our family attorney helped a working mother in Greensboro who separated from her husband back in 2016. Our client and her husband did not file this action in court until late 2019. Thus, there was a lot of co-mingling funds in that 3-year period of separation, which made things a bit confusing when it came time to value everything. On the date of separation, the client was making 100k more than her husband and recently started working at a job making 100k a year. But her current job is only a contracting position for 6-12 months with no guarantee of renewal. When the parties separated back in 2016, the husband moved to Boston to start a new job. Our client continued to live [...]

DACA Awarded to Young DREAMer in NC

Our Greensboro immigration attorney successfully obtained DACA for a young DREAMer who the government said lacked the proper documentation to prove he qualified. Our attorney won the case by working collaboratively with her client to come up creative ways to show he qualified despite lack of 'traditional' documentation that many immigrants lack due to their legal status and marginalization in society. Nuestra abogada de inmigración obtuvo con éxito DACA para un joven DREAMer que el gobierno dijo que no tenia la documentación adecuada para demostrar que calificaba. La abogada ganó el caso al trabajar en colaboración con su cliente para encontrar maneras creativas de demostrar que calificó a pesar de la falta de documentación "tradicional" que muchos inmigrantes le faltan debido a su estatus legal y marginación en la sociedad.

Rape Charges Dropped Against College Student

Attorney: Patrick Apple Type of Case: Criminal Pre-Charge on Felony Rape Accusation Case Result: Rape Charges Dropped County: Guilford County A young college-aged man was contacted by law enforcement. They asked to speak to him about a serious accusation from a young college-aged woman. The woman had filed a complaint with the police that our client had committed rape against her. The Client wisely declined to speak with the Detective and contacted Dummit Fradin instead. If convicted of the rape charge, our client was facing an active prison sentence, registration on the sex offender list, and the inability to apply for US citizenship. So, he hired criminal attorney Patrick Apple to represent him on a pre-charge investigation. Our client had no idea where the accusation could have come from. Patrick Apple worked with our client to reconstruct a timeline of recent events. Afterward, they were able to narrow [...]

Our Recent Distinguished Achievements

Best Lawyers in America Award - Ones to Watch 2025
Business North Carolina Best Employers in North Carolina 2022 Award
Best Lawyers in America Award - Ones to Watch 2023
Triad's Best 2024 Award
Legal Elite Award 2024
Top Attorneys in America Award - Recognition for Excellence 2023

Visit One of Our Office Locations

Dummit Fradin Logo


Criminal & Immigration Attorneys
1133 West First Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
(336) 485-4907


Family Law Attorneys
3400 Healy Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
(336) 962-7221


Criminal & Family Law
328 E. Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
(336) 360-5528

High Point

Criminal & Injury Law
820 North Elm Street
High Point, NC 27262
(336) 814-8118

Our service area includes Forsyth County, Guilford County, Surry County, Stokes County, Yadkin County, Davie County, Davidson County, Randolph County, and Alamance County.

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