Greensboro Case Results

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Recent and Notable Greensboro Case Results

Here you’ll find a number of Greensboro case results that illustrate how our attorneys handle a variety of cases in Guilford County and Alamance County. From domestic to criminal cases, our attorneys are dedicated to helping each and every client.

Disclaimer: The facts and circumstances of each case are different as such each case must be evaluated upon the unique  circumstances and facts. The results summarized here are not necessarily representative of the results obtained in all cases.

High-Stakes Custody Trial Won in Randolph County

Dummit Fradin trial attorney, Patrick Apple, recently won a high-stakes custody trial for our client in Randolph County. This sensitive child custody trial involved sexual abuse allegations and multiple experts were involved. Attorney Patrick Apple was expertly able to impeach the testimony of the child. The 5-year-old child was using words like "custody" in the testimony and it was clearly evident that the child had been coached by the opposing party. Meet with a Child Custody Attorney Today During a child custody dispute, it's important to have an experienced custody attorney on your side. Our family lawyers are here to guide you through the legal process so that you have the best chance at a favorable outcome. Contact us today to schedule a one-on-one consultation and get to know your options.

Rape Charges Dropped Against College Student

Attorney: Patrick Apple Type of Case: Criminal Pre-Charge on Felony Rape Accusation Case Result: Rape Charges Dropped County: Guilford County A young college-aged man was contacted by law enforcement. They asked to speak to him about a serious accusation from a young college-aged woman. The woman had filed a complaint with the police that our client had committed rape against her. The Client wisely declined to speak with the Detective and contacted Dummit Fradin instead. If convicted of the rape charge, our client was facing an active prison sentence, registration on the sex offender list, and the inability to apply for US citizenship. So, he hired criminal attorney Patrick Apple to represent him on a pre-charge investigation. Our client had no idea where the accusation could have come from. Patrick Apple worked with our client to reconstruct a timeline of recent events. Afterward, they were able to narrow [...]

Mother Wins Primary Custody After Successful Negotiation

A mother in Guilford County wanted to fight for primary custody of her child. So, she turned to our Greensboro domestic team. Our domestic team prepared for trial thinking a settlement was not possible. [The attorney] arrived for the trial that morning and unpacked her materials, including a 3-inch binder with tabs for 15 exhibits. Shortly thereafter, opposing counsel informed her they were interested in revisiting the settlement negotiations. [She] argued consistency and stability were in the minor child's best interests. The minor child had spent the majority of the time with the mother and was comfortable in her home. The Dummit Fradin team negotiated a consent order granting primary custody to the mother. This custody order secures her rights as the primary parent. Should anything arise in the future, this custody order can be enforced by the contempt powers of the court. Our Tips for Negotiating Primary [...]

Our Recent Distinguished Achievements

Best Lawyers in America Award - Ones to Watch 2025
Business North Carolina Best Employers in North Carolina 2022 Award
Best Lawyers in America Award - Ones to Watch 2023
Triad's Best 2024 Award
Legal Elite Award 2024
Top Attorneys in America Award - Recognition for Excellence 2023

Visit One of Our Office Locations

Dummit Fradin Logo


Criminal & Immigration Attorneys
1133 West First Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
(336) 485-4907


Family Law Attorneys
3400 Healy Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
(336) 962-7221


Criminal & Family Law
328 E. Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
(336) 360-5528

High Point

Criminal & Injury Law
820 North Elm Street
High Point, NC 27262
(336) 814-8118

Our service area includes Forsyth County, Guilford County, Surry County, Stokes County, Yadkin County, Davie County, Davidson County, Randolph County, and Alamance County.

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