Lawyers in Greensboro Blog

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Hero Defense Attorney Rescues Father from False Assault on a Female Charges

Sometimes, a case walks in your door and you have almost no time to prepare in order to achieve the best outcome. That's exactly what happened to one hero defense attorney here at Dummit Fradin. With only four hours to prepare, he was able to secure a not-guilty verdict in a complicated Assault on [...]

Hero Defense Attorney Rescues Father from False Assault on a Female Charges

Possession of a Firearm and Narcotics by a Felon Leads to Dismissal

Type of Case: Possession of a Firearm by a Felon Case Result: Dismissed County: Guilford County Complex Situation Sometimes doing the right thing has negative personal consequences. For our client, this was the case. He had raised a young man as a surrogate son. This young man made some unfortunate decisions which led him [...]

Possession of a Firearm and Narcotics by a Felon Leads to Dismissal

Unjust Drug Trafficking Charges To Be Dismissed

Our client was facing several felony drug charges including drug trafficking charges in heroin and opium. Under that charge alone, she was up against a mandatory 18-year minimum prison sentence. But, she was likely facing a 22-year prison sentence if convicted. Her bond was set at 1.5 million dollars. Learn how our attorney was able to get [...]

Unjust Drug Trafficking Charges To Be Dismissed

Requisitos Para La Ciudadanía Americana Por Matrimonio

Los solicitantes para la ciudadanía Americana que están casados ​​con ciudadanos estadounidenses no tienen que esperar tanto tiempo como otros residentes permanentes para solicitar convertirse en ciudadanos estadounidenses. Puede solicitar la naturalización después de tres años de haber obtenido su residencia permanente legal, en lugar de cinco años si está casado con un ciudadano [...]

Requisitos Para La Ciudadanía Americana Por Matrimonio

Preparing for Divorce in NC Checklist

It is important to prepare for divorce or separation as early as possible in the process. Even a “simple” divorce can result in complications. This can happen by not following the proper legal procedure or by not fairly dividing the assets and liabilities. You can help create efficiency and produce a better result by [...]

Preparing for Divorce in NC Checklist

El gobierno anuncia que están aceptando las solicitudes de renovación de DACA

Obtenga sus aplicaciones de renovación de DACA ahora. USCIS ha anunciado que reanudará la aceptación de las solicitudes de renovación de DACA según los términos de la política vigentes antes de que el programa fuera eliminado el 5 de septiembre de 2017. ¿Quién puede renovar su DACA? Su DACA expiró después del 5 de septiembre [...]

El gobierno anuncia que están aceptando las solicitudes de renovación de DACA

Government Announces they will Resume Accepting DACA Renewal Applications

Get your DACA renewal applications in now. USCIS has announced they will resume accepting DACA renewal applications under the policy terms that were in place before the program was eliminated on September 5, 2017. Who can renew their DACA? Your DACA expired after September 5, 2016 Who can file a new DACA application? Your DACA [...]

Government Announces they will Resume Accepting DACA Renewal Applications

5 Things You Need to Do after a DWI Charge

You’ve recently been stopped by the police and accused of DWI. A million thoughts are probably racing through your head. What do I do now? Will I lose my license? What about my insurance? Who should I talk to? Our 5-step list will walk you through what to do after a DWI charge in [...]

5 Things You Need to Do after a DWI Charge

After a DWI in NC Don’t Make These 10 Mistakes

Here is a list of Ten DWI mistakes that are commonly made by a person charged with DWI in NC. If you find yourself being accused of a DWI or another related charge, this list can help find the right representation for your case. If you plead Guilty you will be found guilty 100% [...]

After a DWI in NC Don’t Make These 10 Mistakes

20 Signs of Impaired Driving Police Look For

What indicators does law enforcement look for to determine if someone may be driving while impaired? According to the research performed for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the following are some of the actions that may be signs of impaired driving. Police officers rely on these signs to stop impaired drivers on the roadways. [...]

20 Signs of Impaired Driving Police Look For
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