5 Things You Need to Do after a DWI Charge

You’ve recently been stopped by the police and accused of DWI. A million thoughts are probably racing through your head. What do I do now? Will I lose my license? What about my insurance? Who should I talk to? Our 5-step list will walk you through what to do after a DWI charge in North [...]

5 Things You Need to Do after a DWI Charge

After a DWI in NC Don’t Make These 10 Mistakes

Here is a list of Ten DWI mistakes that are commonly made by a person charged with DWI in NC. If you find yourself being accused of a DWI or another related charge, this list can help find the right representation for your case. If you plead Guilty you will be found guilty 100% [...]

After a DWI in NC Don’t Make These 10 Mistakes

20 Signs of Impaired Driving Police Look For

What indicators does law enforcement look for to determine if someone may be driving while impaired? According to the research performed for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the following are some of the actions that may be signs of impaired driving. Police officers rely on these signs to stop impaired drivers on the roadways. [...]

20 Signs of Impaired Driving Police Look For

North Carolina DMV to begin charging for hearings.

Beginning in January 2018, DMV plans to assess fees for driver’s license revocation or reinstatement hearings, and it has been rumored that the fees may be as high as $450. This includes restoration hearings after a Permanent DWI revocation, restoration hearings after a 2-year revocation after 2 DWIs within 3 years, Refusal hearings if a [...]

North Carolina DMV to begin charging for hearings.

DWI Alcohol Assessment in North Carolina

DWI Alcohol Assessment in North Carolina The sentence for a DWI conviction in North Carolina can vary greatly from case to case; however, there is always a requirement that you get an alcohol/drug assessment and completed the recommended treatment.   In addition to this being a required outcome of any sentence, if you get the [...]

DWI Alcohol Assessment in North Carolina

Can You Get a DUI on a Bicycle in NC?

Did you know under North Carolina law a person can be charged with a DWI, even if they are not necessarily driving a car? YES, you could be charged with a DWI without ever going near a car! What is Considered a Vehicle for Purposes of a DWI? It often comes as a surprise [...]

Can You Get a DUI on a Bicycle in NC?

Top 10 Pieces of General Advice from Immigration Attorney to Immigrants Living Undocumented in the United States

Always, my first piece of advice, as an immigration attorney that advocates for undocumented immigrants in this community is this: Remember your worth and your contributions to this society.  A nation of immigrants is a rich nation – in culture, food, economics, and language.  Continue to be contributing members of this country with pride and [...]

Top 10 Pieces of General Advice from Immigration Attorney to Immigrants Living Undocumented in the United States

What’s the difference between DUI and DWI

Have you heard people use the terms DUI and DWI and wondered what the difference between them was? DWI stands for Driving While Impaired and DUI means Driving Under the Influence. Although you often hear both terms used, the state of North Carolina does not make a distinction between them. Prior to 1983 there was [...]

What’s the difference between DUI and DWI
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