Criminal Defense Case Results

Here you will find our most recent and notable criminal defense case results. Schedule a personal consultation with a criminal defense attorney today!

An Unexpected DWI Refusal Hearing Win

Type of Case: DWI Refusal Hearing at the DMV Case Result: Hearing Won! Attorney: Clarke Dummit When our firm takes on DWI defense cases we often look for the needle in the haystack. Many times, we find it and many times we don’t. Occasionally we find a defense we were not expecting, and a [...]

An Unexpected DWI Refusal Hearing Win2023-12-08T13:37:37-05:00

Client Wins Driver’s License Restoration Hearing

Type of Case: DMV Driver's License Restoration Hearing Result: License Reinstated Attorney: Clarke Dummit Dummit Fradin senior attorney Clarke Dummit represented a client on a driver's license restoration hearing at the DMV. Our client had his driver's license revoked for many years because of over 8 DWIs. Last year he had a DMV hearing for [...]

Client Wins Driver’s License Restoration Hearing2021-09-22T15:11:59-04:00

5 Counts of Obtaining Property by False Pretenses Dismissed

Winston-Salem Criminal Defense Team Charges: Obtaining Property by False Pretenses Case Result: Dismissal of all 5 felony charges County: Stokes What Happened One of our clients was facing 5 counts of obtaining property by false pretenses. Due to factors outside of her control, our client's business dissolved. So our client was out of work, but [...]

5 Counts of Obtaining Property by False Pretenses Dismissed2022-11-22T12:18:01-05:00

Husband Calls 911, Gets Charged with Assault on a Female

Winston-Salem Criminal Defense Team Charges: Client was charged with Assault on a Female and Interfering with 911 Call Case Result: Dismissed County: Forsyth What Happened A client called the police when his wife became aggressive, grabbed him, and pushed their three-year-old child. When the police arrived they instead began investigating him. He insisted to the [...]

Husband Calls 911, Gets Charged with Assault on a Female2022-11-22T12:22:20-05:00

Clients Not Guilty for Possession of Marijuana

  Our clients were cruising along when they were abruptly rear-ended. A deputy arrived on the scene and said he smelled marijuana. He ordered the two clients out of the vehicle. One client admitted that she had been smoking a hemp cigarette. Eventually, after an illegal search, the deputy found what he thought [...]

Clients Not Guilty for Possession of Marijuana2020-03-04T15:33:29-05:00

9-Year Permanently Revoked License Finally Restored

Our client had a permanently revoked license after getting 3 DWIs. To fight the revocation, our client requested an administrative hearing with the NC DMV. Unfortunately, these hearings can be tough to win without proper representation. Our client lost the hearing and his licensed continued to be permanently revoked. Restoring a Permanently Revoked License Requires [...]

9-Year Permanently Revoked License Finally Restored2020-12-23T14:32:03-05:00

Bringing a Firearm onto Courthouse Property

Our client was incorrectly charged with bringing a firearm onto courthouse property in Davidson County. In fact, our client had a concealed carry permit and was arrested for lawfully having a firearm on the parking lot beside the courthouse. A Dummit Fradin criminal defense attorney recently represented this client and successfully got the case voluntarily [...]

Bringing a Firearm onto Courthouse Property2022-11-22T12:31:17-05:00

Unjust Drug Trafficking Charges To Be Dismissed

Our client was facing several felony drug charges including drug trafficking charges in heroin and opium. Under that charge alone, she was up against a mandatory 18-year minimum prison sentence. But, she was likely facing a 22-year prison sentence if convicted. Her bond was set at 1.5 million dollars. Learn how our attorney was able to get [...]

Unjust Drug Trafficking Charges To Be Dismissed2022-11-22T13:15:45-05:00

Assault on a Female Charge Dismissed

A husband was charged with Assault on a Female in Forsyth County, NC for allegedly assaulting his wife. The charge was holding our client back from applying to become a United States Citizen. Fortunately, our Winston-Salem criminal defense attorney secured a dismissal of the charges against the husband. There are two sides to every story. [...]

Assault on a Female Charge Dismissed2022-11-22T13:17:42-05:00

Domestic Violence Protective Order Granted Against Abusive Boyfriend

Our client had been seriously physically assaulted by her boyfriend throughout their relationship. She never told anyone about the abuse until recently. She finally decided that she had enough of the abuse and filed a request for a temporary emergency protective order. Our criminal defense attorney was able to negotiate with the defendant and, as a [...]

Domestic Violence Protective Order Granted Against Abusive Boyfriend2022-11-22T13:46:26-05:00
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