Hero Defense Attorney Rescues Father from False Assault on a Female Charges

Sometimes, a case walks in your door and you have almost no time to prepare in order to achieve the best outcome. That's exactly what happened to one hero defense attorney here at Dummit Fradin. With only four hours to prepare, he was able to secure a not-guilty verdict in a complicated Assault on [...]

Hero Defense Attorney Rescues Father from False Assault on a Female Charges

Possession of a Firearm and Narcotics by a Felon Leads to Dismissal

Type of Case: Possession of a Firearm by a Felon Case Result: Dismissed County: Guilford County Complex Situation Sometimes doing the right thing has negative personal consequences. For our client, this was the case. He had raised a young man as a surrogate son. This young man made some unfortunate decisions which led him [...]

Possession of a Firearm and Narcotics by a Felon Leads to Dismissal

Father’s Success in Criminal Trial Clears Path to Citizenship

Type of Case: Misdemeanor Assault on a Female, Misdemeanor Child Abuse, and Misdemeanor Destruction of Property Case Result: Dismissed, Not Guilty County: Guilford County Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Criminal Trial Maintains Custody and Path to Citizenship for One Desperate Father Many times, criminal cases can cross over and affect other areas of law such as immigration or [...]

Father’s Success in Criminal Trial Clears Path to Citizenship

DWI Appeal a Success for Davie County Client

Attorney: Patrick Apple Type of Case: DWI and Misdemeanor Simple Assault Case Result: Motion to Suppress Granted - Voluntary Dismissal by the State County: Davie County Criminal defense attorney Patrick Apple successfully represented a client who was facing a charge of a first offense DWI in Davie County. The Traffic Stop Around midnight, 911 Dispatch [...]

DWI Appeal a Success for Davie County Client

Father Gets Sole Custody After Mother Goes MIA

Type of Case: Child Custody Case Result: Sole Custody - Legal and Physical Custody Awarded County: Guilford County A father in Guilford County needed to modify the child custody order for his children. The mother had been absent from the children's lives for about a year now, so he wanted to see about getting sole [...]

Father Gets Sole Custody After Mother Goes MIA

Emergency Custody Order Gets Teen Out of Abusive Home

Type of Case: Ex Parte Emergency Custody Order Case Result: Awarded Ex Parte Emergency Custody County: Randolph County Our Greensboro family law team represented a mother living in Iowa but whose daughter lived with the father in Randolph County. Her 15-year-old daughter had reached out to her for help because the father was physically abusing [...]

Emergency Custody Order Gets Teen Out of Abusive Home

With Remote Learning Concerns, Mother Fights to Maintain Primary Custody

Type of Case: Child Custody Case Result: Primary Physical Custody Awarded County: Guilford County Our Greensboro family law team recently represented a mother who had been the primary caretaker of both of her young girls. The mother had been most involved with the major aspects of their lives, such as schooling and medical visits. Remote [...]

With Remote Learning Concerns, Mother Fights to Maintain Primary Custody

50B Dismissed After Successful Negotiations

Type of Case: 50B Domestic Violence Protective Order Case Result: Voluntary Dismissal - 50B Dismissed County: Guilford County Our client's wife filed a 50B, or a Domestic Violence Protective Order, against him. She alleged our client abused both her and her son. Her son was of a previous relationship and was also autistic. Our client [...]

50B Dismissed After Successful Negotiations

Father Wins Joint Legal Custody, Physical Custody

Type of Case: Child Custody Case Result: Joint Legal Custody and Physical Custody Awarded County: Randolph and Buncombe A young family was torn apart when the mother packed up and moved across the state with the youngest child in tow. [The Attorney] figured she could quickly get a custody order if she made up false [...]

Father Wins Joint Legal Custody, Physical Custody

50B Dismissed, Father Awarded Emergency Custody

Type of Case: 50B and Child Custody Case Result: The 50B was dismissed and our client was awarded temporary emergency custody. County: Davidson County A client had a 50B, also known as a Domestic Violence Protective Order, taken out against him by the mother of his child. She had also filed for primary legal custody [...]

50B Dismissed, Father Awarded Emergency Custody
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