Dismissed – Domestic Violence Protective Order

Our Greensboro criminal defense attorney represented a Greensboro client who faced a protective order. This prohibited him from contacting his ex-wife and two minor children for a year and other serious consequences. Our criminal defense attorney successfully had the Domestic Violence Protective Order dismissed in Guilford County, which allowed him to continue seeing his children. [...]

Dismissed – Domestic Violence Protective Order

Not Guilty – Driving While Impaired Greensboro, NC

A client came to us in Greensboro charged with a Driving While Impaired (DWI). The DWI charge occurred in the middle of the night after the client left work. Our legal team tried the case to verdict. After showing that the stop was unreasonable, and the officer detained our client for an unreasonable length [...]

Not Guilty – Driving While Impaired Greensboro, NC

Dismissed – Speeding 25 Over in Greensboro, NC

Our client was cited for speeding 25 over the speed limit in Greensboro, North Carolina. If convicted of such a high speed, our client was facing revocation of their driver’s license. Fortunately, our Greensboro attorney was able to get the Assistant District Attorney to agree to dismiss the speeding ticket. Thus, the client’s Commercial [...]

Dismissed – Speeding 25 Over in Greensboro, NC

Motion for Contempt Reunites Father and Son

Our client in Greensboro was denied visitation with his son for over a year. Our Attorney successfully argued a Motion for Contempt in Guilford County. The Judge reinstated visitation effective immediately and found his wife in contempt of court for withholding visitation. Our client had been denied any and all visitation with his son [...]

Motion for Contempt Reunites Father and Son

Emergency Order Obtained, Holiday Visitation Granted

A Dummit Fradin family law attorney was successful in negotiating holiday visitation for three of her Greensboro clients, just in time to get an Order for the Judge. Our attorneys hard work and negotiation skills enabled three parents to spend Thanksgiving with their children this year, while simultaneously representing them in their ongoing custody [...]

Emergency Order Obtained, Holiday Visitation Granted

Victory – Fathers’ Visitation Restored

Our Dummit Fradin family law attorney won a Motion for Contempt in Greensboro and restored visitation of a one-year-old baby to her father. What is a Motion for Contempt? After a final court order in a family law case, both parties must abide by the agreed terms in the court order. If either party [...]

Victory – Fathers’ Visitation Restored

Victory – Father’s Custody Protected

A Dummit Fradin Family Law attorney represented a father in a custody case in Greensboro. The wife had fled the county with all five of their minor children, age 2 to 15. After a full trial, the Judge ordered that all 5 children be returned to the custody of their father and live with [...]

Victory – Father’s Custody Protected

Victory – Child Custody Modification

A Dummit Fradin family law attorney in Greensboro was successful in arguing a child custody modification/ relocation case, in which her client wanted to relocate to Florida with the parties’ five minor children. The family attorney successfully argued that due to the strong bond between the children and their mother, extended family available as support [...]

Victory – Child Custody Modification

Father Awarded Child Custody After False Charges are Dropped

A Dummit Fradin child custody attorney represented a father of five children in Greensboro. His wife had obtained two frivolous Domestic Violence Protective Orders and also taken out false assault charges against him. Our lawyer successfully argued that the father should be given custody and possession of the marital residence. The mother was permitted to [...]

Father Awarded Child Custody After False Charges are Dropped

Dismissed – Carrying a Concealed Weapon

Our criminal attorney was successful in having misdemeanor Stalking and Carrying a Concealed Weapon charges dismissed in Guilford County Superior Court for a client this week.

Dismissed – Carrying a Concealed Weapon
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