Criminal Defense Blog
Our criminal defense blog covers a variety of topics including DMV hearings, expungements, and many misdemeanor and felony questions. Get informed and make better decisions regarding your case.
Our criminal defense blog covers a variety of topics including DMV hearings, expungements, and many misdemeanor and felony questions. Get informed and make better decisions regarding your case.
How to Find the Best Criminal Lawyers Near Me in NC Struggling to Find the Right Attorney? Our Tips Can Help! I Need a Free Defense Analysis OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday 8am – 5:30pm (877) 978-3218 How Do I Find the [...]
Improper Turn Leads to Unlawful Search, Seizure, and Possible Deportation? We've all made unfortunate mistakes while driving. Most of us try our best to be safe, obey all traffic laws, and pay attention to the road at all times. However, even with the best of intentions, sometimes we fall short of [...]
From A Car Crash to a DWI Trial: Winning through the Art of Tactical Cross-Examination Facing criminal charges is always stressful, but it's especially difficult when it's a Driving While Impaired (DWI) charge. The consequences can feel overwhelming: the client will have to pay court fines and legal fees, will face [...]
Why Do We Talk About Privacy So Often? When we begin the analysis of a possible suppression motion the baseline question becomes: Do you have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the area searched? This can be a complicated question so let’s break it down: "Reasonable expectation of privacy" is a legal term [...]
Part 2: "Historical Traditions" and the Right to Bear Arms Contributing Author: Criminal Defense Attorney Preston Edwards Contact Us Now Read Part 1: The Gun Control Cases Reverberating Across the US Second Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, [...]
Part 1: The Gun Control Cases Reverberating Across the US Gun control has been a highly contested and divisive issue in the United States for many years now. Every news cycle seems to bring another tragedy, another horror, another accident, and yet another politician talking about guns and what to do [...]
You Smell Like Hemp. What's the Big Deal? Since the North Carolina Farm Bill of 2018 has been in effect, which created a large number of exclusions so that farmers could grow industrial hemp products in North Carolina, as opposed to the illegal "pot", which [...]
Pot. Weed. Marijuana. Mary-Jane. Wacky Backy. Cannabis. No matter what you call it, it's all the same plant. It's been widely used in the United States both medicinally, and recreationally, and for its versatile fibers since our founding. In fact, as early as the sixteenhundreds hemp was grown in colonies around the New World. As [...]
A Bad Day Just Gets Worse With an Unjustified DWI Imagine you’ve had a hard day at work, and you stop for dinner, a little bite after a bad day. We’ve all done it. Perhaps you’ve decided to have a drink with your food. You’re an adult, it’s legal. You aren’t impaired in [...]
Sometimes, a case walks in your door and you have almost no time to prepare in order to achieve the best outcome. That's exactly what happened to one hero defense attorney here at Dummit Fradin. With only four hours to prepare, he was able to secure a not-guilty verdict in a complicated Assault on [...]