DWI Blog
Dummit Fradin’s DWI blog covers a variety of topics on Driving Under the Influence charges. Get informed so you can make better decisions about your case.
Dummit Fradin’s DWI blog covers a variety of topics on Driving Under the Influence charges. Get informed so you can make better decisions about your case.
Tallying up the total cost of a DUI or DWI in NC How much does a DWI cost in North Carolina? Unfortunately, fees and costs can quickly pile up, so we need to divide this list into two parts. Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of the [...]
Thanksgiving Eve is one of those holidays people don't know they celebrate. Widely popular in suburban towns, Thanksgiving Eve is a night to reunite with old hometown friends at the local bar. It's referred to as Black Wednesday, Blackout Wednesday, or Drinksgiving. As you might infer, Thanksgiving Eve is a night of heavy drinking [...]
License Restoration and the NC DMV Hearing If your driver's license has been suspended or revoked or is about to be revoked or suspended, there are many times opportunities to contest the suspension through an NC DMV hearing. You can also possibly apply for a court-ordered driving [...]
Here is a list of Ten DWI mistakes that are commonly made by a person charged with DWI in NC. If you find yourself being accused of a DWI or another related charge, this list can help find the right representation for your case. If you plead Guilty you will be found guilty 100% [...]
License Suspensions: The North Carolina Standards by Charge If your driver's license is suspended, getting your privilege to drive restored is critical here in North Carolina since we have such poor mass transit systems. Fortunately, the attorneys at Dummit Fradin are experienced in helping [...]
What indicators does law enforcement look for to determine if someone may be driving while impaired? According to the research performed for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the following are some of the actions that may be signs of impaired driving. Police officers rely on these signs to stop impaired drivers on the roadways. [...]
DWI Alcohol Assessment in North Carolina The sentence for a DWI conviction in North Carolina can vary greatly from case to case; however, there is always a requirement that you get an alcohol/drug assessment and completed the recommended treatment. In addition to this being a required outcome of any [...]
NC DMV Hearing: The Conclusion The Frustrating Case of Robbie Wilson Has Finally Reached a Verdict Robbie Wilson came to our Greensboro Office after attending an Interlock Violation Hearing without an attorney in June of 2015. As you can see from the transcript [...]
In this video, attorney Clarke Dummit answers questions regarding DWI interlock devices, or ingition interlock devices. These in-car breathalyzers are often times a requirement for limited driving privileges after a DWI conviction in North Carolina. Video Transcript Jim: In the last segment, we touched on these interlock devices that are ordered by the court [...]
Post Trial Driving Privileges Video Transcript Jim: Mike, after the trial, in the unfortunate instance that there is a conviction what's the very first thing that happens to my driver's license? Michael Fradin: Well, the thing you need to know Jim is that your license is going to be suspended automatically for one year, [...]