Case Type: Divorce Mediation
Case Result: Custody retained and favorable distribution of marital property
County: Guilford County
Last month we helped a client in dire straits, who came to us in the midst of an ugly divorce. He was devastated to discover his wife was accusing him of extensive marital misconduct and spreading vicious rumors about their family. She claimed our client abused drugs, was a neglectful father, and an abusive spouse. If her allegations were believed, this could cost our client not only his share of marital property but also custody of his child! He made the smart decision and hired an experienced divorce and family law attorney.

Questioning the Divorce Mediation Agreement
Our attorney quickly stepped in and filed counterclaims. Each party wanted to settle out of court and agreed to mediate their case. Several hours into a grueling private divorce mediation it seemed a settlement was within reach. The parents had agreed on custody and a fair property distribution had been worked out. While finalizing the terms, our attorney decided to double-check the facts and figures for her client one more time. Although this would prolong the already long day, something in the mathematics didn’t seem right to her, it just felt off.
A Costly Mistake Avoided
It’s a good thing she did. Our attorney diligently reviewed the figures and discovered additional assets previously overlooked. She then renegotiated the terms of the Agreement and secured her client more property, ultimately saving her client thousands. This is why it is imperative when facing divorce proceedings including mediation, that you have an experienced Dummit Fradin attorney advocating for you.
Facing Divorce Mediation? Contact Us Today
If you are facing divorce mediation in Guilford County don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our divorce attorneys today.