Dummit Fradin, Attorneys at Law

Divorce Finalized After Successful Equitable Distribution Mediation

Greensboro Family Law Team
Type of Case:
Divorce & Equitable Distribution Mediation
Case Result: Settlement and Divorce Finalized
County: Guilford County

One of our clients had been trying to get his divorce settled for over a year since splitting up with his ex. They shared assets and debts that still needed to be divided, and they desperately wanted to get a divorce as soon as possible. Unfortunately, our client’s previous attorneys had taken a long time to make any progress.

Don’t Overlook Equitable Distribution Mediation

After reviewing our client’s case, our Greensboro family law team knew that they needed to work quickly and efficiently. The client had already endured a tough time with past attorneys making any headway with his divorce case, and our team wanted to change that. Our family law team determined that mediation would be the quickest way to reach a settlement for equitable distribution. So we promptly helped set the parties up for the equitable distribution mediation.

Not surprisingly, mediation lasted several long hours before the parties could reach an agreement. Nevertheless, our team, opposing counsel, and the mediator stayed late after closing hours to help this couple reach a resolution that was much needed for them to move on with their lives. After hours of mediation and going through counter-proposals, the parties resolved their assets and debts.

Settlement Reached in One Day

With this case dragging on for a year, it was a wonderful feeling for both our client and our team to have settled this matter within one day! With Dummit Fradin’s help, our client had a settlement, and divorce papers were signed within two months. We aided our client in reaching a resolution that he was happy with so that he could move on with finalizing his divorce.

Without our family law team’s help, who knows how much longer the divorce process would have dragged on. Waiting for a court date can take years without someone who is willing to push to get a case like this done. Even waiting to schedule a mediation can hinder a client in terms of time. It’s all about having great communication with the opposing party and their counsel.

Contact a Divorce Attorney in the Piedmont Triad Today

If the divorce process is taking much longer than you anticipated and is now impeding your ability to move forward in life, contact our family law team today! Our divorce attorneys are ready to help you get through this life change as efficiently and professionally as possible. Meet with an attorney today in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, or High Point.

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