Possession of Ecstasy: What Penalties are you Facing? What’s the Defense?

Criminal Defense Attorney Patrick Apple explains that MDMA or Ecstasy is a laboratory-created Schedule 1 controlled substance, meaning it has a high risk of abuse and no accepted medical benefit. Therefore, the state will prosecute any possession harshly. In fact, Ecstasy possession is a Class-I felony. However, because MDMA often comes in a variety of pills and capsules, proving identity requires an actual chemical analysis. Further, if the MDMA was found constructively in your possession rather than on your person, the state must prove the Ecstasy was not only just around your sphere of control but that you had knowledge of its location. An experienced attorney might also challenge the state to prove probable cause for the search and seizure which found the MDMA to begin with, or they could attack the chain of custody and force the state to show where that Ecstasy was at every moment of the process. There are many tools an advocate who has dealt with drug possession has at their disposal. At Dummit Fradin, we are very effective at using them all in your defense.


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