How Do I Get My Green Card After My U Visa Is Approved?

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What are the next steps after being approved for a U Visa?

What is a U Visa?

Victims of qualifying crimes within the United States who cooperate with law enforcement to bring their perpetrators to justice may receive the U Visa, a form of humanitarian protection.

What Does It Mean to Have a U Visa?

  • Those who are granted a U Visa will receive four years of protection against deportation.
  • Granted the ability to have a work permit as well as obtain a driver’s license.
  • After three years have passed, the U Visa holder can apply for residency.

Applying for your Green Card through a U Visa

  • Showing that you have continued to work with law enforcement.
  • The hardest part is you have to prove you have been physically in the United States since you were approved for a U Visa.

If you are ready to apply for your green card based on your U Visa approval contact one of our experienced attorneys today.  They will help guide you through the process and paperwork.


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