In the event that you are injured during the course and scope of your employment, seek medical treatment first. Then North Carolina Worker’s Compensation Attorneys Salvatore Popolillo and Darren Howard recommend consulting with an attorney. An attorney who is experienced with these types of cases will file all the paperwork for you, guide you through everything, and make sure your North Carolina workers comp claim is completed in a thorough and timely manner.

However, if you are going to file a North Carolina workers comp claim by yourself, the first step is to go to the North Carolina Industrial Commission website and fill out Form 18. This Form will notify the Industrial Commission and your employer that you’ve been injured while on the job.

Some things to keep in mind, if you work for a smaller company, they may not know what to do to support you as you proceed through the claims process, and you may need to hire an attorney as time progresses. Further, it will not be the company that is administering your claim, it will be their insurance company. Many times, employees feel a sense of guilt in filing a claim, especially when they are on good terms with their employers. However, it will not be the employers that are paying the claim, it will be their insurance, and the insurance company will want to do it quickly and as cheaply as possible. Therefore, do everything you can to protect yourself and protect your claim, up to and including hiring an attorney.

If you have questions about a North Carolina workers comp claim or are ready to begin one yourself, please contact Darren or Sal a call today. Let them discuss your claim and see if hiring an attorney is right for you.


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