How to Begin a North Carolina Workers Comp Claim

In the event that you are injured during the course and scope of your employment, seek medical treatment first. Then North Carolina Worker's Compensation Attorneys Salvatore Popolillo and Darren Howard recommend consulting with an attorney. An attorney who is experienced with these types of cases will file all the paperwork for you, [...]

How to Begin a North Carolina Workers Comp Claim

How Long Does It Take to Get a Work Permit With a U Visa?

Immigrants who have had the misfortune of being victims of qualifying violent crimes and have now decided to cooperate with law enforcement. These immigrants are given a U Visa, temporary legal status, allowing them to live, work, and drive in the United States for 4 years. They can even apply for their [...]

How Long Does It Take to Get a Work Permit With a U Visa?

My Ex Left North Carolina with Our Child. What Can I do?

If your ex has left North Carolina with your child, immediately file an ex parte emergency custody motion and begin custody litigation. This is an emergency, time is of the essence. Don't wait months to file! If your ex has left the state with your child, contact one of our experienced Family [...]

My Ex Left North Carolina with Our Child. What Can I do?

When You Can Not Leave the Scene of a Crash

Criminal Defense and Traffic Attorney Tyler Chriscoe, explains there are a few times when it is not acceptable to leave the scene after an accident. For instance, being scared or anxious about being in a wreck or not knowing what to do.  While that can be a reasonable reason to leave, it [...]

When You Can Not Leave the Scene of a Crash

Can Kids Decide Who They Want to Live With?

No, a court can consider a child's opinion but must not base their entire decision on the child’s wishes. OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm Saturday Closed Sunday Closed (877) 978-3218 Contact Us

Can Kids Decide Who They Want to Live With?

What Happens When You’re Involved in a Crash?

Criminal Defense Attorney Tyler Chriscoe explains when you can and can't leave the scene of a crime. Crashes Are Scary Crashes are scary.  But North Carolina law is clear.  If you are involved in a crash there are three things you have to do. Stop the Vehicle Remain with the Vehicle Do [...]

What Happens When You’re Involved in a Crash?

Do I Have Rights If I’m Not On My Child’s Birth Certificate?

In North Carolina, even if you aren't on the birth certificate, as the biological father, you have just as much right to your child as the mother does. If your paternity is questioned, you can easily submit for a paternity test and resolve that issue at any time. However, if paternity is [...]

Do I Have Rights If I’m Not On My Child’s Birth Certificate?

Is it Important to have Auto Insurance?

Insurance is a subject that most people don't like to discuss but Criminal Defense Attorney Tyler Chriscoe explains its importance. Insurance can be expensive and most of the time you don't actually see the benefit of having it. It's the Law North Carolina law makes it a misdemeanor to operate a vehicle [...]

Is it Important to have Auto Insurance?

Do Grandparents Have Custody Rights? How About Visitation?

There are limited circumstances in which grandparents have custody rights in North Carolina. To exercise those rights, unfortunately, grandparents must utilize the courts to sue the parents for either custody or visitation of their grandchildren. This is a two-part process. Standing They will need to first show they have "standing." The first [...]

Do Grandparents Have Custody Rights? How About Visitation?

What is the Difference Between Personal and Commercial Auto Insurance?

One Size Does Not Fit All Many people believe they are covered under their personal insurance policy when they are driving their personal vehicle for a business purpose.  This is not necessarily true. Personal auto policy is for personal auto use only. Commercial auto policy is for when someone is using the [...]

What is the Difference Between Personal and Commercial Auto Insurance?
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