How Can I Get a Visa Through Special Immigrant Juvenile Status?

An esteemed Dummit Fradin Immigration Attorney briefly explains what the program called Special Immigrant Juvenile Visa Status actually is. Special Immigrant Juvenile Visa Status Special Immigrant Juvenile Visa status is a humanitarian protection available in the United States to vulnerable children.  Many children who have been approved for Special Immigrant Juvenile Visa applications [...]

How Can I Get a Visa Through Special Immigrant Juvenile Status?

How Much Say Does my Ex Have on my Custodial Time?

How much say does an ex get to have on your custodial time with your child?  The short and simple answer is your ex doesn't get to control the time you spend with your child.  If you have a child custody order in place it likely says that each parent has the [...]

How Much Say Does my Ex Have on my Custodial Time?

What is Guardian Ad Litem and When do Children Get One?

Appointing a guardian ad litem might be a good idea in some cases but what is it? A respected family law attorney explains. What does guardian ad litem mean?  A guardian ad litem is a third party, usually a lawyer, that will protect the interest of the child as well as advocate [...]

What is Guardian Ad Litem and When do Children Get One?

How a Separation Agreement Can Help You Save Money in a Divorce

A separation agreement is a great way to help resolve issues forthcoming in your divorce. In North Carolina, you have to be legally separated from your spouse for a year and a day before you can file for divorce. In that time several issues can be resolved in a separation agreement. What [...]

How a Separation Agreement Can Help You Save Money in a Divorce

What you Need to Know about Emergency Custody Order

What is Emergency Custody? Emergency custody is when one party approaches a judge and claims that a minor child is at significant risk.  The courts will consider three factors to determine the validity of the claims. Is there a risk of substantial injury? Is there a risk of sexual abuse or emotional [...]

What you Need to Know about Emergency Custody Order

Child Custody Mediation: What Should I Expect?

A trusted Family Law Attorney explains that once a custody complaint is filed, North Carolina law then requires both parents to go through child custody mediation. What is Mediation? Mediation allows both parents to settle any child custody issues themselves rather than going through a court trial.  A third party is brought [...]

Child Custody Mediation: What Should I Expect?

Protecting Fathers Rights in Custody Cases

An esteemed Family Law Attorney explains you may have heard of something called "the tender years doctrine", which means mothers were favored over fathers in custody cases.  Most clients that come in are still worried about that prejudice.  There are still some judges with that mindset, but most are more progressive.  If [...]

Protecting Fathers Rights in Custody Cases

Do I have to Force My Child to See my Ex?

If you have a child that no longer wishes to spend time with your ex you are stuck and bound by the terms of that order.  If you do want to change the custodial order, you're going to have to file a motion to modify it with the court.  The court will [...]

Do I have to Force My Child to See my Ex?

We Have Joint Legal Custody But Can’t Agree

If you are at a crossroads where you can't you and your ex can't come to an agreement you will have to file a motion to modify your custody order.  A judge will then determine which parent will be able to have final decision-making power. When you file the motion to modify, [...]

We Have Joint Legal Custody But Can’t Agree

How does a Domestic Violence Protective Order affect Child Custody?

Domestic violence can have a huge impact on your life, including custody of your child. If a protective order is granted the court can give temporary child custody to the party bringing the accusations.  You can file a custody lawsuit for a judge to decide what the best interest of the child [...]

How does a Domestic Violence Protective Order affect Child Custody?
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