What Happens to the Martial Home During a Divorce?

A Divorce Attorney details the factors the courts will consider when determining what happens to the marital home in a divorce. If both parties want to sell the home and split the proceeds, then that is what happens. However, if one party wants to keep the home, then the home will need to [...]

What Happens to the Martial Home During a Divorce?

Alimony: The Details

A family law attorney answers some frequently asked questions about alimony or spousal support. Please note, alimony and spousal support in North Carolina are used interchangeably. And for alimony to be awarded, there needs to be a dependent spouse. Why is the dependent spouse entitled to any spousal support at all? The [...]

Alimony: The Details

What Happens if I Can’t Afford Alimony?

To receive alimony, the receiving party would have to show that the supporting spouse can pay it. This would include looking at their income and expenses. So, to prove that alimony is too expensive, the supporting party would need to provide: W2s Pay stubs Records of their monthly expenses including all insurance, [...]

What Happens if I Can’t Afford Alimony?

How is Alimony or Spousal Support Calculated?

The first thing a judge must determine is whether a spouse is substantially dependent on the other. There are 16 factors judges typically look at, however, they are not limited to these. One of the most important factors is income, the wage gap between the partners. Outside of finances, the judge will [...]

How is Alimony or Spousal Support Calculated?

How do the Courts Calculate Child Support?

A respected Family Law Attorney explains how the courts calculate child support, the worksheets they use, and what factors they consider. When calculating child support, the courts consider income, expenses for the child, who carries the child on insurance, and if there are extraordinary expenses like a wheelchair, therapy, or other major [...]

How do the Courts Calculate Child Support?

How Long do You Pay Child Support?

How long do you have to pay child support? Child support is usually required until the child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever comes later. Parties can agree to extend child support beyond this point in a consent order. It's crucial to remember to file a motion to terminate child [...]

How Long do You Pay Child Support?

What are the Top 3 Child Support Mistakes to Avoid?

A reliable Family Law Attorney details the top 3 child support mistakes she sees clients make and why they are so detrimental to their case. If they fail to show proof of income and expenses, lower their income on purpose, or fail to pay previously ordered child support. It could affect the [...]

What are the Top 3 Child Support Mistakes to Avoid?

Can My Ex Quit Their Job to Avoid Child Support?

A respected Family Law Attorney explains what will happen if someone tries to deliberately suppress their income to avoid child support payments. Often, when someone quits their job, the court uses old income when determining child support. If their income has decreased dramatically for other reasons, they must prove to the court [...]

Can My Ex Quit Their Job to Avoid Child Support?

Will a DWI be Dismissed in North Carolina?

Many clients want to know, will a DWI be dismissed? This is highly unlikely since a District Attorney would have to file paperwork with the court so that it becomes public record if they are going to dismiss a DWI. Many organizations, like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, watch for these records and [...]

Will a DWI be Dismissed in North Carolina?

Is There Jail Time for a First-Time DWI?

Criminal Defense Attorney Clarke Dummit relates a past case that illustrates possible jail time for a first-time DWI and how he used mitigating factors to reduce the sentence. Mitigating factors that would affect sentencing include a clean driving record, being stopped for something minor like a tag light instead of a moving [...]

Is There Jail Time for a First-Time DWI?
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