Dummit Fradin, Attorneys at Law

What is the Difference Between a Parental Agreement and a Custody Order?

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There isn’t much difference between a parental agreement and a custody order. The difference is in how they come about.

Parental Agreement

A parenting agreement is a consent order that is developed during mediation between parents with a third party present as a mediator.

  • No attorneys are present
  • No Judge is present
  • You have full control to put in your input to work out an agreement
  • Once an agreement is reached all parties sign it then a judge signs it and it becomes a court order

Court Order

In a court order you go to trial, present your case before a judge and then the judge makes a determination.

  • A Judge will determine custody schedule
  • Legal Custody
  • All of the provisions that surround your child’s life

The difference here is you really don’t get as much say in the outcome.

If you need help deciding on a parental agreement or child custody, contact one of our experienced Family Law Attorneys at Dummit Fradin.


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