The charges of possession of marijuana vs. cocaine seem substantially the same. They are both drug possession charges, however, Criminal Defense Attorney Patrick Apple explains that in North Carolina these charges are really very different. For instance, possession of up to one and a half ounces of marijuana is usually a Class 1 or Class 3 misdemeanor while possession of any amount of cocaine is a felonious offense. Further, some strains of marijuana are legal to possess in North Carolina, like Delta-8, which contains less than 3% THC. There is no similar legal counterpart to cocaine. Also, should you be found guilty of felony possession of marijuana, the penalties are not as harsh as if you are guilty of possession of cocaine, even though both of these are felony drug charges. Both charges, however, can be resolved under deferred prosecution agreements or conditional discharges under NC 90-95 and 90-96 laws. Because each case is unique, it is imperative you seek out an experienced advocate if you or someone you know has been charged with possession of marijuana or cocaine. Give us at Dummit Fradin a call right away.


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