Dummit Fradin, Attorneys at Law

What is Guardian Ad Litem and When do Children Get One?

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Appointing a guardian ad litem might be a good idea in some cases but what is it? A respected family law attorney explains.

What does guardian ad litem mean? 

A guardian ad litem is a third party, usually a lawyer, that will protect the interest of the child as well as advocate on their behalf. They will talk to the child, their teachers, doctors, and anyone else around them.

How do I get a guardian ad litem?

You will need to file a motion to have someone appointed.  Once that motion has been filed, the court decides whether a guardian ad litem is a good idea.

A guardian ad litem may not work in all cases, but it can be a useful tool. If you think that a Guardian Ad Litem might be a good idea in your case contact one of our Family Law Attorneys at Dummit Fradin and we’ll discuss your options and help guide you through the process.


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