Father’s Rights in
North Carolina

If you’re a father involved in a child custody or child support case it’s important to know your father’s rights. Contact our family law attorneys today to know your options.

Father’s Rights in North Carolina

If you’re a father involved in a child custody or child support case it’s important to know your father’s rights. Contact our family law attorneys today to know your options.

Three convenient offices in Winston-Salem and Greensboro, NC!

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(877) 978-3218

Protecting Your Father’s Rights in Family Law Matters

When children are involved, you need a trusted attorney. The possibility of losing custody of your child is daunting. This time can be especially confusing for fathers. Will a judge assume their mother will take better care of them? What can I do to improve my chances? Could I really lose my child?

When custody of your child is in question, seek the counsel of the experienced and professional family law attorneys at Dummit Fradin. We have handled thousands of cases during our 30 years of experience. Needless to say, we have the skills and resources required to protect your rights as a father in North Carolina.

What if you’re not on the birth certificate?
Do you still have rights?

Many times we’ve encountered fathers who are worried they don’t have rights to their child if they’re not on the birth certificate. This is not true. Even if you’re not on the birth certificate, you still have just as much right to your child as the mother. If your paternity is questioned at any point, our domestic team can help you submit a paternity test. After a child custody order is achieved, our team can also help you in getting your name officially added to your child’s birth certificate.

To schedule an initial consultation, call (336) 962-7221.

Getting Child Custody for Fathers in North Carolina

In North Carolina, there is no presumption as to which parent is more fit. Both parents are deemed to be fit and capable of caring for their children. Child custody is determined based on the best interests of the children. Both parents are afforded the opportunity to present to the court why they would be a fit parent. Factors the court considers in making custody determinations include the safety of the children and acts of domestic violence. However, a judge may consider any factor that he or she deems relevant to the best interest of the child.

We’ll Work With You to Obtain a Fair Custody Arrangement

At Dummit Fradin, we have a long history of fighting for equal rights for our clients, including men in child custody and child support cases. That means we will seek a fair custody arrangement allowing for joint legal and physical custody for fathers. While it may seem like you have an uphill battle, trust in our father’s rights lawyers to fight for you and make sure your rights are protected.

Recent and Notable Case Results

  • Father Gets Sole Custody After Mother Goes MIA

Father Gets Sole Custody After Mother Goes MIA

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50B Dismissed After Successful Negotiations

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  • Father Wins Joint Legal Custody and Physical Custody FB image

Father Wins Joint Legal Custody, Physical Custody

Type of Case: Child Custody Case Result: Joint Legal Custody and Physical Custody Awarded County: Randolph and Buncombe A young family was torn apart when the mother packed up and moved across the state with [...]

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