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Weekly Award: Triad’s Best Lawyer/Law Firmread more Categories: Blog, Greensboro Blog, Greensboro News, News, Winston Salem Blog, Winston-Salem NewsCelebrating our Time with Jessica Culverread more Our BlogsCase ResultsCategories: Case results, Traffic Defense Case Results, Winston-Salem Case ResultsWinston-Salem Traffic Attorney Saves Senior’s Holidayread more DWI BlogCategories: DWI BlogImpact of a High BACread more Criminal Defense BlogCategories: Blog, Criminal Defense, DWI BlogA Reasonable Expectation of Privacy and Your 4th Amendment Rightsread more Traffic Defense BlogCategories: Criminal Defense, Criminal Defense Case Results, Traffic Defense Case Results, Winston-Salem Case ResultsImproper Turn Leads to Unlawful Search and Deportation?read more Our Latest Videos Subscribe to our channel« Prev1 / 19Next »What does a Bondsman do and do I need one?The state took my firearm, but I was found not guilty, how do I get it back?Decoding bond types: Written Promise, Unsecured, and SecuredHow does a court set a bond in North Carolina?What is a Bond?What is a Prayer for Judgement Continued (PJC)?Should you just pay your speeding ticket?You missed a court date. Now what?The flawed science of field sobriety tests for marijuanaHow to protect yourself during a traffic stopHow can I get Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for my loved one?What do I need to do to sponsor a Green Card for my parents?What are the Top 3 Immigration Interview Mistakes?How Do I Prove My Marriage Is Bona Fide for a Marriage-Based Green Card?Joint vs Full Custody: A Family Lawyer Explains« Prev1 / 19Next » Obtain the Legal Help You NeedFill out the form below, or call (877) 978-3218 to request a consultation.Name*Email address*Phone Number*Are you a client?Yes, I am a current or previous client.No, not yet.I am neither.What county is your case in?Please select----------AlamanceAlexanderAlleghanyAnsonAsheAveryBeaufortBertieBladenBrunswickBuncombeBurkeCabarrusCaldwellCamdenCarteretCaswellCatawbaChathamCherokeeChowanClayClevelandColumbusCravenCumberlandCurrituckDareDavidsonDavieDuplinDurhamEdgecombeForsythFranklinGastonGatesGrahamGranvilleGreeneGuilfordHalifaxHarnettHaywoodHendersonHertfordHokeHydeIredellJacksonJohnstonJonesLeeLenoirLincolnMaconMadisonMartinMcDowellMecklenburgMitchellMontgomeryMooreNashNew HanoverNorthamptonOnslowOrangePamlicoPasquotankPenderPerquimansPersonPittPolkRandolphRichmondRobesonRockinghamRowanRutherfordSampsonScotlandStanlyStokesSurrySwainTransylvaniaTyrrellUnionVanceWakeWarrenWashingtonWataugaWayneWilkesWilsonYadkinYanceyHow can we help you?REQUEST A CONSULTATIONThis field should be left blank Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! 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