Drug Charges

Drug Charge Attorneys in North Carolina

When you’re charged with a drug crime in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, or High Point turn to the experienced attorneys at Dummit Fradin. Our drug charge attorneys will stand by you as the fierce advocates you need.


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Drug Charge Attorneys in North Carolina

When you’re charged with a drug crime in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, or High Point turn to the experienced attorneys at Dummit Fradin. Our drug charge attorneys will stand by you as the fierce advocates you need.

Three convenient offices in Winston-Salem and Greensboro, NC!

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(877) 978-3218

Drug Charges in North Carolina

Getting charged with a drug crime or multiple drug crimes in North Carolina is a serious matter. Obviously, you want to minimize or potentially avoid the consequences you’re facing. You need an experienced criminal defense attorney who knows North Carolina drug laws.

Having an experienced drug attorney on your side can make a difference in your penalties and the consequences you face. The fact is, we can often get drug possession charges dismissed without the need for trial. If we cannot, our defense attorneys stand on their reputation as tireless advocates and aggressive trial lawyers. They’ll guide you through plea negotiations and stand by you at trial.

Knowing what lies ahead is invaluable with a drug crime on your hands. Contact us today to set up a free consultation with an attorney.

NC Drug Schedules

Under North Carolina law, there are 6 schedules for controlled substances. Each level is defined by the potential for abuse, medical use acceptance, safety, and the likelihood of dependence. Below, we’ve outlined a few examples of the types of drugs under each schedule. We also indicate the minimum punishment if you’re charged with drug possession of any of these controlled substances. However, this is not a definitive list. Please consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney to know the exact penalties you’re facing.

Drug Possession Charges

A close-up scene related to a drug charge, featuring a hand resting on a dark surface near a syringe with a small amount of liquid inside, a pile of white powder, a tipped-over prescription bottle with spilled white pills, and a bottle cap, highlighting evidence often associated with drug-related legal issues.

How are Drug Possession Crimes Prosecuted in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, possessing any amount of cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, or heroin is a felony criminal charge. These and other narcotics are banned as Schedule I substances. According to N.C.G.S. §90-95(d)(1), possession of even the tiniest amount of these substances is punished as a Class I felony.

While these types of drug crimes may seem simple, we often see situations where officers charge several people with the possession of one small baggie of the drug. That can oftentimes create doubt about who possessed the drugs. An experienced drug crime attorney will assess your case to determine if there exists a solid legal argument to suppress evidence against you to protect you and your criminal record.

Drug Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver (PWISD)

If you have been charged with possession of a controlled substance with the intent to manufacture, sell or deliver (PWISD), you are facing serious consequences, including jail time. What you considered to be a small amount of drugs for personal use could be deemed possession with intent to sell, and prosecutors will then seek a felony drug conviction.

If you are caught selling a Schedule I or II drug, you will be sentenced as a Class G felon. If you are caught selling a Schedule III, IV, V, or VI drug, you will be punished as a Class H felon.

North Carolina law prohibits the unauthorized sale of illegal and illicit substances such as:

Cocaine Crack-cocaine
LSD Heroin
Ecstasy Prescription drugs
Methamphetamine Marijuana

Drug Trafficking

How is Drug Trafficking Charged?

Drug trafficking charges are typically very complicated cases that involve issues including controlled deliveries, search warrants, and identification issues. Most importantly, drug trafficking has its own severe sentencing structures. Unlike PWISD, drug trafficking is charged based on the weight of the drugs possessed. The sentencing structure is dependent upon the amount of the drugs seized. Those punished under this statute, though, can be punished with up to 279 months, or 23 years, in prison.

Marijuana Trafficking Penalties

Quantity of Drugs Jail Time Fine
10 – 49 lbs. Class H Felony
25 – 30 Months
50 – 1,999 lbs. Class G Felony
35 – 42 Months
2,000 – 9,999 lbs. Class F Felony
70 – 84 Months
10,000 lbs. or more Class D Felony
175 – 219 Months

Cocaine Trafficking Penalties

Quantity of Drugs Jail Time Fine
28 – 199 grams Class G Felony

35 – 42 Months

200 – 399 grams Class F Felony

70 – 87 Months

400 grams or more Class D Felony

175 – 219 Months


Heroine Trafficking Penalties:

Quantity of Drugs

Jail Time Fine
4 – 13 grams Class F Felony

70 – 84 Months

14 – 27 grams Class E Felony

90 – 117 Months

28 grams or more Class C Felony

225 – 279 Months


Methamphetamines Trafficking Penalties:

Quantity of Drugs Jail Time Fine
28 – 199 grams Class F Felony

70 – 84 Months

200 – 399 grams Class E Felony

90 – 117 Months

400 grams or more Class C Felony

225 – 279 Months


Drug Paraphernalia

A wooden gavel rests on a desk alongside items linked to a drug charge, including several syringes, scattered yellow pills, and pink capsules, symbolizing the legal consequences of drug-related offenses.

What is considered drug paraphernalia?

Almost anything can be considered drug paraphernalia if it accompanies an illegal substance. In North Carolina, possessing drug paraphernalia is a Class 1 misdemeanor pursuant to N.C.G.S. §90-113.22. That is a higher-level misdemeanor than possession of a small amount of marijuana. Anything used in the manufacture of drugs such as bowls, containers, mixing devices, capsules, balloons, and even gardening supplies can be and often is considered drug paraphernalia. A drug paraphernalia charge may sound harmless, but it could damage you more than the drug charge.

Examples of drug paraphernalia include:

Water pipes  Rolling papers 
Glass pipes Bongs
Grinders Roach clips
Spoons Scales
Syringes Vials
Baggies Cash 

Drug Crime Case Results

Facing a Drug Charge in North Carolina? Our Defense Lawyers Stand Ready to Help.

Many drug crimes result in a conviction. We urge you not to go to court without first talking to an experienced attorney. Our attorneys deal with these charges every day in the courtroom and know what statutory elements the state is going to be required to prove to obtain a drug conviction against you.

We offer free criminal consultations at all of our Triad locations. Let our team of drug crime attorneys analyze the particular facts of your case and advise you on how to proceed. Call today, and we’ll schedule you a consultation at your earliest convenience.

Remember, this is what we do. We know what you’re going through. We also know the law, and we’re ready to talk about your options.

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