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High Asset Divorce Attorney

Trust Our Skilled Divorce Lawyers to Help

People usually consider those of high net worth to have at least $1 million in liquid assets available, which means they can turn it into cash at any given moment. High net worth individuals also tend to have complex financial portfolios, which can make divorce much more lengthy and complicated.

If you’re interested in beginning a case in a high net worth divorce, call us at (877) 978-3218 today for a confidential case consultation.

Property Division

One of the things that can make a high asset divorce particularly complicated is property and debt division. If the marriage didn’t begin with a prenuptial agreement, everything shared by both people during the course of the marriage is considered marital property or marital debt and is subject to be distributed to both partners equitably.

One of the ways to make this process go a little faster is to hire a forensic accountant and business valuation expert. These individuals are both trained to outline and value all your marital and separate assets so the divorce proceedings can be clarified. Forensic accountants can also assist if you suspect your spouse is hiding financial assets from you or the divorce court.

Divorce proceedings can affect some of the following:

  • Investments

  • Business interests

  • Real estate

  • Custody agreements

  • Retirement plans

  • Child support

  • Estate plans

  • Spousal support

Spousal Support

If you are the higher-earning spouse, the court may require you to pay spousal support. If your partner was dependent on you during the course of the marriage, he or she is likely to require spousal support following the divorce. The North Carolina General Statute Section 50-16.1A states a dependent spouse is one who is “actually substantially reliant on the other spouse for his or her maintenance and support or is substantially in need of maintenance and support from the other spouse.” The court will usually consider the following when making a decision regarding spousal support:

  • Financial needs

  • Separate and marital debt

  • Emotional, mental, and physical health

  • Tax consequences

  • Accustomed standard of living

  • Expenses necessary to support each party

  • Length of marriage

  • Present employment income

  • Each party’s legal obligations

  • Separate & marital property

  • Recurring earnings of the parties

  • Age

  • Educational backgrounds

In cases of spousal support, marital misconduct will also be considered by the judge in determining how much, if any, post-separation support is necessary. The court will also determine the amount, duration, and manner of payment for spousal support in the long term.

Let Us Review Your Case

If you’re worried about how much you will lose in the divorce, talk to one of our experienced family law attorneys. We understand you may be under a significant amount of stress, so we work to understand what you’re going through when we advocate on your behalf. Our attorneys at Dummit Fradin are experienced in representing families through many different aspects of family law, both in court and in negotiations. Let us take a look at your case so we can offer you excellent legal advice and counsel you on the right approach to your situation. Our attorneys will be honest and straightforward about your situation. Let us see what we can do for you and your case.

Contact us at (877) 978-3218 or fill out our online form to schedule a confidential case consultation today.

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