Why Do You Need an Experienced
Local Traffic Ticket Lawyer?
A traffic ticket can cost more than just fines and fees. Paying off a traffic ticket means that you are pleading guilty to the offense. This could lead to your driver’s license being suspended. You will have points added to your license, and your car insurance rates could go up. Call your insurance agent and discuss the ramifications of your ticket. Ask how much your premiums will increase, and find out if you currently have any points on your insurance record. You should also consider any missed time from work due to court appearances.
An experienced attorney knowledgeable in traffic defense may be able to get you a reduced charge. If we can get the charge reduced to improper equipment (a non-moving violation), you will receive no points on your license or your insurance.
We’re happy to discuss your options over the telephone. Plus, there’s a good chance we can get your appearance in court waived and negotiate an agreement without you having to miss work or even go to court. Contact a proven traffic ticket lawyer today to discuss your options.
Read Reviews About Your Speeding Ticket Lawyer
★★★★★ – “Handled my speeding ticket in Davie County. Everyone was quick to respond, professional and knowledgeable. Would highly recommend!”
★★★★★ – “This law firm was able to get my traffic charge COMPLETELY dismissed! They kept me informed on the entire process via phone and email. Very pleasant to work with!”
★★★★★ – “Very happy with my outcome, it was a traffic situation and they were able to work out without any points on my license or insurance. I didn’t even need to be present they worked it all out quickly and efficiently.”
★★★★★ – “It was my first ticket & I was really clueless on what to do. I took the best decision to hire Dummit Fradin and there was a team of trustworthy representative to stand for me. Thank you Mr. Chriscoe and [paralegal] for your help.”
Meet Our North Carolina Traffic Ticket Attorneys
Traffic Attorneys Lessen the Consequences of a Citation
Having an experienced Traffic Attorney on your side can make a difference as to what penalties you receive and how the consequences affect your life. From dismissed cases to reduced fines and penalties, we work to minimize the impacts of speeding tickets and other traffic violations. We can help you save your driver’s license and reduce the number of points on your insurance and driving record.
At Dummit Fradin, we help all drivers deal with traffic offenses effectively and quickly. No matter how serious the violation, whether it’s a simple speeding ticket, a careless and reckless driving charge, a driving with license revoked charge, or a DWI, we have decades of experience defending exactly these types of cases. We represent clients throughout the Winston-Salem and Greensboro areas as well as the surrounding counties. We respond quickly to client calls, priding ourselves on superior service and communication. While we can’t guarantee results; our Firm has an excellent reputation for getting outstanding outcomes for our clients. It may be that a traffic ticket seems like a minor concern, but the long-term costs of paying it off could easily outweigh the fees. Don’t make the mistake of going to court without an experienced professional Speeding Ticket Lawyer in your corner. It isn’t worth the risk.
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