Experienced Wills and Estate Planning Attorneys
in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, and High Point, NC

Do you know what will happen to you when you pass away? We certainly don’t!

But we can help ease the hardship and confusion for the ones you love.

A qualified Wills and Estate Planning Attorney can help you make all the
important decisions before that inevitable day arrives.

Don’t leave the burden of guesswork up to others. Let us help!


Monday – Friday 8AM – 5:30PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Three convenient offices in Winston-Salem and Greensboro, NC!

Contact an Attorney Today

(877) 978-3218

Why do You Need an Estate Plan?

At death, a person’s assets will be distributed. Having an estate plan gives a person control over their assets. Without one, a person relies on the State’s law to decide how their assets are divided.

However, with a proper Estate Plan, you can decide for yourself who you want to have the things you worked your life for.

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Clarke Dummit
Clarke DummitEstate Planning Attorney
Clarke Dummit is an estate planning lawyer in Winston-Salem, NC with decades of experience. His extensive legal career has been marked by a deep commitment to serving clients in the community. With an established history of helping individuals and families safeguard their financial assets. For help in protecting your loved ones future contact him today.
Tyler Chriscoe
Tyler ChriscoeEstate Planning Attorney
Tyler Chriscoe is an Estate Planning Lawyer working out of our Winston-Salem office. He is dedicated to helping individuals and families secure their financial futures and ensure their assets are protected. Tyler’s passion for law and dedication to his clients makes him an exceptional advocate for those seeking peace of mind. Contact him today for help planning for the future.
Patrick Apple
Patrick AppleGuardianship Attorney
Patrick Apple is a guardianship attorney in Greensboro, NC with a strong passion for protecting the rights and well-being of vulnerable individuals. He is a steadfast and compassionate advocate you want on your side. Patrick is a trusted guide for families facing the complexities of legal guardianship. If you are in need of help with guardianship issues give him a call today.

“We were interested in a review of 10 year old simplistic wills and health power of attorney documents by a local family practice attorney. DummitFradin Family Law provided us with an appointment to meet with an attorney for a complementary review. Clarke Dummit efficiently reviewed all our documents and suggested no changes were necessary. Mr. Dummit was friendly and gave reassuring answers to our questions. As an elderly couple we are grateful to know any future legal issues will be addressed by DummitFradin in a professional and caring manner.

Stephen W., Google Review

Protecting your Loved Ones Future

No matter your age or income, having documented wills and an estate plan is one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones’ futures. These are preventative measures that protect you and your family in the event of the unexpected or the tragic. Individuals who do not establish wills and an estate plan put their end of life and legacy at risk with court-appointed guardians and estate distribution. At the point the courts get involved, it’s too late to take into account your personal wishes. With the advice of one of our Dummit Fradin Wills and Estate Planning Attorneys, you can avoid all that and help protect your family from a long drawn-out process, as well as added stress and heartache.

Our services include:

  • Wills: a legal document outlining your preferences for the distribution of your property and assets upon your death.
  • Trusts: a financial agreement authorizing a third party (trustee) with fiduciary duties. Trusts explain the precise manner and timing of asset transfer to beneficiaries.
  • Testamentary Trust: a trust established following the directives in a will.
  • Power of Attorney, (Financial and Health POA): written authorization granting someone the authority to represent or act on behalf of another in both business and personal matters during times of incapacity.
  • Living Wills: a legal document in which a person outlines their desired course of action for their health in the event they are unable to make decisions for themselves.

Get Expert Advice: Talk to a qualified attorney to create a personalized plan.

Winston-Salem, NC Estate Planning Attorneys
Winston-Salem, NC Estate Planning Attorneys

Hiring an Estate Planning Attorney

Hiring an attorney to draft the various wills you want, and help you with your estate planning can be extremely beneficial:

  • Complexity of Laws – Many laws apply when it comes to inheritance, decision-making, sale of property, taxes, etc. Figuring out who your next of kin is turns out to be particularly imperative when it comes to health care in the event of incapacity, inheritance, and many other reasons. Having an attorney who knows the right questions to ask to make sure your wishes are properly spelled out and uncontestable after your death or incapacitation is crucial.

  • Customization – Every person’s situation is unique. An attorney can help tailor your estate plan to your exact needs, including family dynamics. They can craft solutions that address specific issues within your family, such as blended families, estranged relationships, or for family members with unique needs. Estate planning is not “one-size-fits-all”. It is a reflection of your life and your family’s circumstances.

  • Avoiding Errors – Estate planning documents need to be written with precision to make sure your wishes are met and are legally valid. Mistakes can be easily made in DIY planning documents and lead to costly legal battles down the road. An attorney can help you avoid these mistakes by applying their legal knowledge to ensure your documents follow laws and regulations.

  • Asset Protection – An estate planning lawyer can help set up your plan to protect your assets from creditors or even lawsuits. They can implement legal strategies, such as trusts, that protect your wealth and ensure your hard-earned assets remain intact and continue to benefit your heirs.

  • Incapacity Planning – Having an estate plan in place isn’t just about what happens after you pass away.  You can also include plans for you financial and health care in case something happens to you. An attorney can help you create Power of Attorney, Healthcare Directives, Living Wills, and many others. These documents ensure that in the event of your incapacity due to illness or injury, trusted individuals are legally empowered to make decisions on your behalf, both for your finances and your medical care. Incapacity planning, as an essential component of estate planning, provides not only protection but also peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

  • Updates and Changes to Law – Laws change over time. An attorney can help keep your documents up-to-date with current laws, ensuring that your plan remains legally sound as well as in compliance with any new regulations. This ongoing support helps you adapt to evolving legal regulations and laws, safeguard your assets, and preserve the integrity of your estate plan.

  • Family Harmony – Having a clear and well-drafted estate plan in place can help prevent any family disputes after you pass. An attorney can make sure that your wishes are clear and enforced. Leaving little room for family arguments among heirs. By professionally structuring your estate plan, an attorney can help ensure that your intentions are well documented, reducing the potential for misunderstandings and conflicts among family members. This not only protects your legacy but also alleviates the stressors that come with the loss of a loved one.

  • Peace of Mind – Having a well-crafted estate plan in place can help take stress off of you. Hiring an estate planning attorney can help provide you with peace of mind that your affairs are in order. Knowing that you have a comprehensive and legally sound plan in place alleviates the burden of uncertainty, reducing stress and anxiety about the future. This reassurance allows you to focus on living your life with confidence, knowing that your loved ones will be well taken care of according to your wishes.

Can I just do it Myself?

While there are DIY estate planning tools available, they often lack the nuance and legal expertise that a qualified Estate Planning Attorney can provide. Estate planning is a crucial aspect of securing your legacy and protecting your loved ones, and consulting with an attorney can help ensure that your wishes are carried out as intended.

Several compelling reasons to not do your own estate planning are:

  • Personalized Guidance – With an estate planning attorney at your side you will get advice on what documents are best for you, tailored to your specific circumstances and objectives. They will guide you through the selection of the most suitable legal documents, making sure every aspect of your estate plan is carefully prepared. This individualized approach provides you with the confidence that you are making informed decisions in the best interest of your families future.

  • Risk of Errors – Trying to do estate planning on your own can be confusing. There are DIY plans out there but there is a high risk of errors when trying to do it on your own. You could easily miss something crucial or misinterpret a law that will leave your loved ones dealing with legal consequences. An estate planning attorney will help you navigate through the complexities of the law and requirements, reducing the chances of costly mistakes.

  • Changing Laws – Estate planning involves a web of complex laws that can change without you knowing. An experienced estate planning attorney remains up-to-date on their knowledge of the ever changing laws and regulations. This proactive approach safeguards your assets, minimizes tax burdens, and maintains the relevance of your estate plan.

  • Family Dynamics – Families change over time. If you made an estate plan while you were married and then get divorced or have children, you will want to update and change those documents to reflect that. An estate planning attorney can provide you with valuable guidance on adjusting your plan to reflect the change in family dynamics.

  • Your Peace of Mind – With all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed you no longer have to worry about what will happen with your assets or loved ones futures after you have passed. Having an estate plan in place, meticulously crafted with the help of an attorney, offers you the ultimate assurance that your wishes will be honored, your assets will be distributed as you desire, and your family will be cared for according to your intentions. This will allow peace of mind so that you can focus on living your life to the fullest, secure in the knowledge that your legacy is well-protected.

Winston-Salem, NC Estate Planning Attorneys
Winston-Salem, NC Estate Planning Attorneys

What Documents and Why

Preparing for the Unexpected Providing a Plan Ensuring your Wishes Legal Documents Suggested Accomplishes
An unexpected car accident resulting in death You provide for your family at your death with your wishes as to the administration of your estate as well as a trust for your children Designate fiduciaries for your estate and A guardian for your children A Simple Will with a Guardianship provision and possible Testamentary Trust Appoint an Executor with your instructions on how you’d like them to handle your estate, provide for children, and distribute your assets
An unexpected car accident resulting in near death and prolonged hospitalization Who can make decisions about healthcare if you are unconscious Designate a person with your Healthcare Power of Attorney and record it with the State Healthcare Power of Attorney Designates the individual you appoint to make decisions on your health if you are incapacitated
Do you want the machines turned off? Relieve loved ones of the burden of having to decide whether or not to turn off life-saving machines Provide detailed instructions in the event of a tragedy A Living Will or Declaration to Die a Natural Death Gives specific predetermined directives to follow which override your Healthcare Power of Attorney
You develop Alzheimer’s or you need a deed or bank transaction when out of the country Be able to have an agent sign for you and your financial affairs Be certain you trust the agent! Gives them full authority General Power of Attorney Allows your appointed POA agent to handle your legal and financial obligations

Obtain the Legal Help You Need

Fill out the form below, or call (877) 978-3218 to request a consultation.