Impact of a High BAC

Understanding the Legal Impact of High BAC How high is "too high", and what does that mean for your case? What Exactly is BAC? Blood alcohol concentration or BAC is a measure of how much alcohol is in a person's blood at [...]

Impact of a High BAC

Can I get a DUI or DWI with a BAC below .08 in NC?

Yes, under North Carolina DWI law (N.C.G.S. 20-138.1), a person may be convicted of the criminal offense of Driving While Impaired even if their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is equal or less than .08. Appreciable Impairment & DWI The person may be arrested and convicted under what is known as the 'appreciable impairment' theory [...]

Can I get a DUI or DWI with a BAC below .08 in NC?
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