Does the NC Stay at Home Order Impact My Custody Order?

Many parents are concerned about how the current Stay at Home Order will affect their current custody order or agreement. Should they suspend one parent’s visitation? Will they be charged criminally for leaving their homes to participate in a custody exchange? The answer to these questions is no. NC Stay at Home Order and Custody [...]

Does the NC Stay at Home Order Impact My Custody Order?

Father Wins in Child Custody Modification Dispute

Type of Case: Child Custody Modification - Rule 60 Motion to Set Aside Case Result: Successfully Defended Against Rule 60 Motion and Preserved the Standing Custody Order County: Guilford County One of our Greensboro family law attorneys represented a father in a child custody modification trial in Guilford County. The mother's visitation at the time [...]

Father Wins in Child Custody Modification Dispute

Mother Wins Against Motion to Decrease Child Support

One of our trusted Greensboro family law attorneys recently won a Motion to Dismiss for her client. The opposing party, the father, had filed a Motion to Decrease Child Support. Our client, the mother, sought the help of Dummit Fradin family law team who's handled these types of cases in the past. After reviewing the [...]

Mother Wins Against Motion to Decrease Child Support

Contempt Hearings for Child Support & Custody a Success

One of our Dummit Fradin family law attorneys recently won two Contempt hearings against the same father – one in custody court and one in child support court. Child Support Contempt Hearing In the child support matter, [the attorney] won the Show Cause Motion by showing that the father had not paid any of the [...]

Contempt Hearings for Child Support & Custody a Success

Randolph County Child Custody

Randolph County child custody process The majority of Randolph County child custody issues are settled outside of court, privately between the parents, usually through the use of a consent order a separation agreement. There is a small percentage of Randolph county child custody disputes that end up being decided in the courtroom. When a [...]

Randolph County Child Custody

Father of Two Maintains Child Custody | Family Law

Our Family Attorney represented a father in Forsyth County whose ex-wife moved away and was trying to modify custody and take visitation away from the father. During the trial in Winston-Salem, the Attorney successfully argued a Motion to Dismiss ex-wife’s Motion to Modify Child Custody and the father was able to maintain custody of his [...]

Father of Two Maintains Child Custody | Family Law

Victory – Won Motion to Modify Custody

Our Attorney represented a mother in Davidson County who wished to modify her custody order to allow her to relocate to another state pursuant to her new husband’s military orders. At trial, our Attorney advocated on behalf of her client and the judge allowed the mother to modify the custody order so that she may [...]

Victory – Won Motion to Modify Custody

Motion for Contempt Reunites Father and Son

Our client in Greensboro was denied visitation with his son for over a year. Our Attorney successfully argued a Motion for Contempt in Guilford County. The Judge reinstated visitation effective immediately and found his wife in contempt of court for withholding visitation. Our client had been denied any and all visitation with his son and [...]

Motion for Contempt Reunites Father and Son

Emergency Order Obtained, Holiday Visitation Granted

A Dummit Fradin family law attorney was successful in negotiating holiday visitation for three of her Greensboro clients, just in time to get an Order for the Judge. Our attorneys hard work and negotiation skills enabled three parents to spend Thanksgiving with their children this year, while simultaneously representing them in their ongoing custody disputes. [...]

Emergency Order Obtained, Holiday Visitation Granted

Victory – Fathers’ Visitation Restored

Our Dummit Fradin family law attorney won a Motion for Contempt in Greensboro and restored visitation of a one-year-old baby to her father. What is a Motion for Contempt? After a final court order in a family law case, both parties must abide by the agreed terms in the court order. If either party refuses [...]

Victory – Fathers’ Visitation Restored
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