From Crash to DWI Trial: Winning With A Tactical Cross

From A Car Crash to a DWI Trial: Winning through the Art of Tactical Cross-Examination       Facing criminal charges is always stressful, but it's especially difficult when it's a Driving While Impaired (DWI) charge. The consequences can feel overwhelming: the client will have to pay court fines and legal fees, will face [...]

From Crash to DWI Trial: Winning With A Tactical Cross

DWI for a Local Guy but the Numbers Just Don’t Add Up

A Bad Day Just Gets Worse With an Unjustified DWI Imagine you’ve had a hard day at work, and you stop for dinner, a little bite after a bad day. We’ve all done it. Perhaps you’ve decided to have a drink with your food. You’re an adult, it’s legal. You aren’t impaired in [...]

DWI for a Local Guy but the Numbers Just Don’t Add Up

Can Field Sobriety Tests, THC Levels Predict Marijuana Impairment?

Recently, a hot topic of discussion in Criminal Defense Law is how to judge a driver's impairment after consuming marijuana or cannabis. This topic has gained traction as several states throughout the United States have begun to legalize cannabis for recreational and medicinal use. As marijuana is decriminalized, the presence of the odor of [...]

Can Field Sobriety Tests, THC Levels Predict Marijuana Impairment?

Stokes County DWI Charge Dismissed

A client approached our Winston-Salem legal team with a Stokes County DWI charge. On the second court date, DWI attorney informed the State that the Defense was taking the case to trial. The trial grounds were contesting that the State Crime Lab blood tests did not sufficiently establish impairment. After negotiating with the State Trooper [...]

Stokes County DWI Charge Dismissed

Can I Lose My License After a DUI / DWI in NC?

Yes, the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles can impose various types of revocations the moment you are charged with a DWI. Not only are there consequences for a Driving While Impaired charge, but also for a conviction. Upon conviction, the NC DMV imposes at least a one-year revocation of your driver’s license. However, an [...]

Can I Lose My License After a DUI / DWI in NC?

5 Things You Need to Do after a DWI Charge

You’ve recently been stopped by the police and accused of DWI. A million thoughts are probably racing through your head. What do I do now? Will I lose my license? What about my insurance? Who should I talk to? Our 5-step list will walk you through what to do after a DWI charge in [...]

5 Things You Need to Do after a DWI Charge

After a DWI in NC Don’t Make These 10 Mistakes

Here is a list of Ten DWI mistakes that are commonly made by a person charged with DWI in NC. If you find yourself being accused of a DWI or another related charge, this list can help find the right representation for your case. If you plead Guilty you will be found guilty 100% [...]

After a DWI in NC Don’t Make These 10 Mistakes

20 Signs of Impaired Driving Police Look For

What indicators does law enforcement look for to determine if someone may be driving while impaired? According to the research performed for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the following are some of the actions that may be signs of impaired driving. Police officers rely on these signs to stop impaired drivers on the roadways. [...]

20 Signs of Impaired Driving Police Look For

Alcohol Assessments & Agencies

DWI Alcohol Assessment in North Carolina The sentence for a DWI conviction in North Carolina can vary greatly from case to case; however, there is always a requirement that you get an alcohol/drug assessment and completed the recommended treatment.   In addition to this being a required outcome [...]

Alcohol Assessments & Agencies

DWI Dismissed After Constitutional Rights Violation

Our criminal defense attorney in High Point successfully defended a man charged with DWI. After spotting a violation of the client’s constitutional rights in the officer’s in-car video, she filed a motion with the court. The officer stopped the client’s vehicle and had no constitutional basis. After a hearing, the motion was granted and the charges [...]

DWI Dismissed After Constitutional Rights Violation
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