Qualifications for Worker’s Compensation Benefits

Have You Recently Been Injured on the Job and Don't Know If You Qualify for Workers' Compensation Benefits in North Carolina? Our legal team explains what you should consider if you're on the fence about filing a claim. Whenever a workers’ compensation claim is started, a [...]

Qualifications for Worker’s Compensation Benefits

Workers’ Compensation Rights

Injured at work? Know Your Workers' Comp Rights! To be eligible for benefits under the North Carolina Workers' Compensation Act, employees must: Prove that they were an employee, That they were injured, and The injury in question was caused by an event that occurred while [...]

Workers’ Compensation Rights

Top 6 Reasons People Avoid Filing for Workers’ Comp

After years of experience and practice, it still surprises our attorneys to hear some of the reasons folks have for not filing for workers' comp after a work injury. So, here’s a list of the top 6 reasons why people don’t think they should file a workers' compensation claim and why they should. 1. [...]

Top 6 Reasons People Avoid Filing for Workers’ Comp
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