Driving Can Be Risky Business – Do You Go With the Flow or Impede Others?
This is one client’s story
A Typical Commute Goes Awry
Driving down our normal paths every day, from work to home, from home to school, from school to work becomes customary, expected, even ordinary. We try to stay alert, we try to stay safe, but these routes become so ingrained in our daily routines that we drive them on autopilot, nearly without thought. We follow along with others on the same paths in life thinking about our jobs, our kids, or singing along to our favorite songs. We know these roads. We know their hazards and their twists and turns. These are our safe zones. For one Forsyth County woman, just going along about her daily drive, the same as she does every day, these familiar spaces were about to become filled with stress and anxiety.
When Driving a Daughter to School Becomes Nightmare
On this particular morning, our Forsyth County lady was setting a good example for her teenage daughter. They weren’t running late. They weren’t in a hurry to get to school. This is a bonding moment for them after all, one of the rare occasions they get to spend together just to chat. Our woman is a busy lady and her daughter is a high schooler, so these few minutes together are precious and they weren’t about to rush them unnecessarily. So, this was just a normal day for these two, a typical mother taking her child to school, like thousands of other mothers across the State. However, our local mom was cautious to set a good example for her newly licensed child. She was being very careful not to weave in and out of traffic, not to impede anyone, and to simply follow along safely. Then it happened. Out of nowhere, lights flashing, sirens blaring, hearts beating. What’s happened? They slow down and start pulling over to the shoulder. The lights follow. The siren is still going. They are being pulled over. But for what? Our Forsyth County mom doesn’t know, but she’s determined to show her child what to do in these situations. Time to suck it up and hide the slight anxiety and embarrassment that always comes with getting a ticket.

Honest Mother Does the Right Thing
When our local mom and daughter had stopped at a safe place, the Forsyth County lady waited patiently for the Law Enforcement Officer to come to her window and inform her of the reason for the stop. He was a polite man and asked for her license and registration, which she handed over willingly. She was also polite and cooperative in return, demonstrating the proper behavior at a traffic stop. Our woman is a safe driver and had an excellent driving record, so was not concerned about what the officer would find when he ran her license. However, she was in for the shock of a lifetime. When the officer returned and handed back her identifying paperwork, he asked the expected question, “Do you know why I stopped you?” Our mom, being an honest woman, answered that yes, she was likely speeding a little but was simply following traffic. The officer cited her for going 91 miles per hour. Our local ladies were stunned. That couldn’t possibly be correct. But they didn’t argue. They didn’t get angry. They simply accepted the ticket and drove away.
Hiring the Right Attorney
The officer had made a mistake. It was that simple. Our Forsyth County mom knew it. Her daughter knew it. They just didn’t know how to prove it. And it was extremely important they prove it since the woman was facing a license suspension due to the extremely high speed, an enormous fine, and an increase in insurance premiums she could not afford with a brand new driver. This family needed help. They turned to experienced Traffic Defense Attorney Tyler Chriscoe. Attorney Chriscoe would negotiate with the DA on behalf of his client and strive to secure the best deal possible. Unfortunately, this case was shaping up to be our mom and daughter’s word against the officer’s. Without hard evidence of the mistake, the speed was going to stand. The best deal Attorney Chriscoe was going to be able to work out was 9 miles over the limit, a hefty fine, and a number of driving school hours. Our Forsyth County mother was beginning to feel defeated and her daughter was learning the hard life lesson that life just isn’t fair, sometimes at great cost. However, Defense Attorney Tyler Chriscoe was feeling determined and he was just getting started.

Attorney Tyler Chriscoe Thinks Outside the Box
Defense Attorney Tyler Chriscoe never thinks of clients as just another number. He treats everyone as people, getting to know their stories, their families, and the specifics of their situation. For him, this is just part of the excellent service he provides here at Dummit Fradin. So, he got to know this family’s circumstances. He knew this Forsyth County mom was an exceptionally caring mother who was concerned about her child and their safety. He also knew this girl was a young driver and many parents have apps that keep tabs on their newly licensed children. Attorney Chriscoe was right. This mom did have an app on her daughter’s phone for safety. He obtained a screenshot of the drive that day which showed the car never reached the speed the officer claimed.
Renegotiation Leads to Favorable Resolution
Defense Attorney Tyler Chriscoe had the tangible evidence he needed to prove our mom’s story. She was driving safely. She didn’t need driving lessons. She shouldn’t have to pay a huge fine. She was speeding, as she said, but not much. Armed with this new evidence, it was time to go back to the District Attorney and discuss the case. It was the DA’s turn to be stunned. But it’s difficult to argue with this type of recorded evidence, and mistakes do happen, even to Law Enforcement Officers. Defense Attorney Tyler Chriscoe secured a reduced charge of Improper Equipment, with only court costs to pay, no driving lessons, and no points on our mom’s insurance. Our Forsyth County lady was vindicated, relieved, and grateful. And her daughter learned another important lesson: there are still good people willing to work hard to help you in this world.
Contact Us
Driving with the speed of traffic is a common situation for all of us. But if you find yourself looking up and seeing blue lights in your rearview mirror and receiving a speeding ticket contact us at Dummit Fradin today to let a team with more than 30 years of experience help you.