Experienced Wills and Estate Planning Attorneys
in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, and High Point, NC
Do you know what will happen to you when you pass away? We certainly don’t!
But we can help ease the hardship and confusion for the ones you love.
A qualified Wills and Estate Planning Attorney can help you make all the
important decisions before that inevitable day arrives.
Don’t leave the burden of guesswork up to others. Let us help!
Why do You Need an Estate Plan?
At death, a person’s assets will be distributed. Having an estate plan gives a person control over their assets. Without one, a person relies on the State’s law to decide how their assets are divided.
However, with a proper Estate Plan, you can decide for yourself who you want to have the things you worked your life for.
“We were interested in a review of 10 year old simplistic wills and health power of attorney documents by a local family practice attorney. DummitFradin Family Law provided us with an appointment to meet with an attorney for a complementary review. Clarke Dummit efficiently reviewed all our documents and suggested no changes were necessary. Mr. Dummit was friendly and gave reassuring answers to our questions. As an elderly couple we are grateful to know any future legal issues will be addressed by DummitFradin in a professional and caring manner.
Protecting your Loved Ones Future
No matter your age or income, having documented wills and an estate plan is one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones’ futures. These are preventative measures that protect you and your family in the event of the unexpected or the tragic. Individuals who do not establish wills and an estate plan put their end of life and legacy at risk with court-appointed guardians and estate distribution. At the point the courts get involved, it’s too late to take into account your personal wishes. With the advice of one of our Dummit Fradin Wills and Estate Planning Attorneys, you can avoid all that and help protect your family from a long drawn-out process, as well as added stress and heartache.
Our services include:
- Wills: a legal document outlining your preferences for the distribution of your property and assets upon your death.
- Trusts: a financial agreement authorizing a third party (trustee) with fiduciary duties. Trusts explain the precise manner and timing of asset transfer to beneficiaries.
- Testamentary Trust: a trust established following the directives in a will.
- Power of Attorney, (Financial and Health POA): written authorization granting someone the authority to represent or act on behalf of another in both business and personal matters during times of incapacity.
- Living Wills: a legal document in which a person outlines their desired course of action for their health in the event they are unable to make decisions for themselves.
Get Expert Advice: Talk to a qualified attorney to create a personalized plan.
Can I just do it Myself?
While there are DIY estate planning tools available, they often lack the nuance and legal expertise that a qualified Estate Planning Attorney can provide. Estate planning is a crucial aspect of securing your legacy and protecting your loved ones, and consulting with an attorney can help ensure that your wishes are carried out as intended.
Several compelling reasons to not do your own estate planning are:
What Documents and Why
Preparing for the Unexpected | Providing a Plan | Ensuring your Wishes | Legal Documents Suggested | Accomplishes |
An unexpected car accident resulting in death | You provide for your family at your death with your wishes as to the administration of your estate as well as a trust for your children | Designate fiduciaries for your estate and A guardian for your children | A Simple Will with a Guardianship provision and possible Testamentary Trust | Appoint an Executor with your instructions on how you’d like them to handle your estate, provide for children, and distribute your assets |
An unexpected car accident resulting in near death and prolonged hospitalization | Who can make decisions about healthcare if you are unconscious | Designate a person with your Healthcare Power of Attorney and record it with the State | Healthcare Power of Attorney | Designates the individual you appoint to make decisions on your health if you are incapacitated |
Do you want the machines turned off? | Relieve loved ones of the burden of having to decide whether or not to turn off life-saving machines | Provide detailed instructions in the event of a tragedy | A Living Will or Declaration to Die a Natural Death | Gives specific predetermined directives to follow which override your Healthcare Power of Attorney |
You develop Alzheimer’s or you need a deed or bank transaction when out of the country | Be able to have an agent sign for you and your financial affairs | Be certain you trust the agent! Gives them full authority | General Power of Attorney | Allows your appointed POA agent to handle your legal and financial obligations |